Opening and closing times from 23.12.2019 to 01.01.2020
By decision of the university management, the University Library will be closed from 24 December 2019 to 1 January 2020.
On 23 December 2019, the University Library will be open from 9:00 to 17:00.
From 2 January 2020, we will be open again during regular opening hours.
Books for short-term loans can be borrowed from 20 December 2019 to 2 January 2020.
Of course, you will have access to our electronic services such as the catalogue, library account, databases and electronic full texts via WWW during the closing times.
Construction and rearrangement work on the entrance level and levels 2 and 3
As preparatory measures for planned construction work on level 2 of the library, some monograph and journal collections will be relocated in the 47th and 48th calendar week:
The monographs of the subject area "Authors Humanities" will be permanently placed on level 0, building J of the library.
The "General" monograph and journal collections, which are currently located on the entrance level, will be permanently relocated to level 3.
The monograph holdings of the subject area "Religious Studies. Theology" will be located on the entrance level until the remodelling work on level 2 is completed.
Changed opening hours on 1 November 2019
The University Library will be closed on Friday, 1 November 2019 (All Saints' Day).
Of course, you will have access to our electronic services such as the catalogue, library account, databases and electronic full texts via WWW on this public holiday.
On 10 October 2019, the library will close at 20:00 due to the university's official semester opening ceremony
Of course you have access to our electronic services such as catalogue, library account, databases and electronic full texts via WWW during the closing times.
New offer in the library: Ultimate relaxation with carpet yoga from 2 October 2019
To coincide with the start of the semester, the team at my is expanding its range of relaxation and concentration exercises in the library.
In addition to the "BrainBreaks", yoga exercises will take place from 2 October 2019, every Wednesday at 13:00 and 13:30, in the passageway from subject library level 4 to subject library level 2 in building I (duration approx. 30 minutes).
Appropriate clothing is not required, the exercises are designed so that you can take part in your "everyday clothes" (rugs are provided as a base).
Come along and relax with carpet yoga. We, the co-operation partners University Library and my, are looking forward to a lively participation.
Further information can be found on the website of my
A quick reminder: The "BrainBreaks" will start on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 15:00 to 16:30 from 1 October 2019.
Changed opening hours on 3 October 2019
The University Library will be closed on Thursday, 3 October 2019 (German Unity Day).
Of course, you will have access to our electronic services such as the catalogue, library account, databases and electronic full texts via WWW on this public holiday.
Expanded training programme at the library
Two new courses have been added to the library's training programme for the 2019/20 winter semester: "Finding literature in Google Scholar" and "Evaluating literature - recognising quality".
You can find our complete training programme at a nutshell on our training page. You have the choice between two entry options:
- via the title of the course
- via the "Training dates" (here you can also filter the offer by date, topic or target group).
We also offer a comprehensive range of consulting services: "Customised expert advice", "Managing literature and organising knowledge with Citavi - individual advice", "Writing advice" and much more.
For groups of five or more people, you can put together an event tailored to your needs from the individual modules of our training programme.
For general questions, enquiries about training events or comments on the training programme, please contact
Reading for the exhibition 'Otto und Elise Hampel - Karte bitte wandern lassen!' on 12 July 2019 at Paderborn University Library
"Otto und Elise Hampel – Karte bitte wandern lassen!" Exhibition at Paderborn University Library from 4 to 23 July 2019
Break discs for fair cooperation
With the start of the examination period around the end of the summer semester, the demand for workstations in the library increases significantly. In order to avoid seat reservations and to support a fair allocation of workstations, we offer you break discs in our workstation areas, which function like car parking discs: When you leave your workstation, you set the start of your break. After 30 minutes, or 60 minutes at lunchtime, the space may be occupied by other library users.
Changed opening hours in June 2019
Please note the changed opening hours:
Thursday, | 06.06.2019, | closed from 13:00 (AStA Summer Festival) |
Sunday, | 09.06.2019, | closed (Whitsunday) |
Monday, | 10.06.2010, | closed (Whit Monday) |
Thursday, | 20.06.2019, | closed (Corpus Christi) |
Of course you have access to our electronic services such as catalogue, library account, databases and electronic full texts via WWW during the closing times.
Construction and rearrangement work on level 3 from 11.06.2019
The carpeting on level 3 of the library is currently being completely renewed.
The work will involve rearranging the bookshelves and magazine racks and is expected to be completed by mid-September.
Unfortunately, its implementation will cause some disruption. Workstations will have to be temporarily dismantled and book and journal stocks relocated.
As a first step, the monograph and journal holdings 'Sports Science' have been relocated from level 3 to level 0, building J of the library; the (temporary) location is already displayed in the catalogue. In the course of this week, all other journal holdings will also be moved from level 3 to level 0, building J. The holdings will remain there for the duration of the renovation work and will only be transported back to level 3 at the end of the construction work.
For the replacement of the carpeting during the various construction phases, the monograph collections of the natural and engineering sciences (including architecture, mathematics, medicine and nutritional sciences) will be successively moved back and forth within Level 3.
We will inform you of the locations of the temporarily relocated media collections by means of appropriate notices.
In order to minimise dust generation, the affected fields on level 3 will be enclosed with dust protection walls.
Access to the specialised library will be guaranteed during the entire construction work.
Thank you for your understanding.
Changed opening hours on 30 May
The library will be closed on Thursday, 30 May 2019 (Ascension Day).
Of course you will have access to our electronic services such as catalogue, library account, databases and electronic full texts via WWW during the closing times.
Renovation of the flooring in the locker area of the university library
The floor in the locker area of the University Library is being renewed.
From 20 May until probably mid-June, the lockers will be relocated to room BI 1.111, formerly the Notebook Café, and can then be used there. Room BI 1.111 will not be available as a group study room during this time.
If there are restrictions on the use of the lockers due to the relocation, please use the lockers to the right of the library entrance in the university foyer.
Thank you for your understanding.
"Plans and dreams - newly immigrated young people tell their stories". Photo exhibition in the Paderborn University Library from 8 to 26 May 2019
Changed opening hours on 1 May
The library will be closed on Wednesday, 1 May 2019.
Of course, you will have access to our electronic services such as the catalogue, library account, databases and electronic full texts via WWW during the closing times.
"Ich schenke Dir ein Gedicht" - The University Library presents the poetry recommendations of 2018 and 2019 from 29 April to 8 May 2019
Changed opening hours at Easter
Please note our opening hours on the Easter holidays:
Good Friday, | 19.04.2019, | closed on |
Saturday, | 20.04.2019, | open from 9:00 to 18:00 |
Easter Sunday, | 21.04.2019, | closed |
Easter Monday, | 22.04.2019, | closed |
Of course you can access our electronic services such as catalogue, library account, databases and electronic full texts via WWW during the closing times.
New individual workspaces from 1 April 2019
On 1 April, the University Library will open 11 new individual study rooms.
These can be used by authorised users of the University Library who are members of Paderborn University, are writing a doctoral dissertation or habilitation thesis and do not have their own workspace at the university.
The use of a room can be requested for a maximum period of 6 months via an application form . Allocation takes place in the order of application.
The conditions of use are laid down in the regulations for the use of individual study rooms at Paderborn University Library .
Information can be obtained from the staff of the Information Centre and Subject Libraries.
Joint ArtVenture - Photographic encounters. Exhibition at the Paderborn University Library from 7 to 20 February 2019
Break discs for fair cooperation
With the start of the examination period around the end of the winter semester, the demand for workstations in the library increases significantly. In order to avoid seat reservations and to support a fair allocation of workstations, we offer you break discs in our workstation areas, which function like car parking discs: When you leave your workstation, you set the start of your break. After 30 minutes, or 60 minutes at lunchtime, the space may be occupied by other library users
"BrainBreak" in the library - expanded offer
The "BrainBreak" programme - short ten-minute breaks in which small relaxation and concentration exercises are carried out in the library under the guidance of trainers from mein - is being expanded.
The BrainBreaks take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 14:00 and 15:00 and also on Wednesdays at 10:00 and 11:00 until the end of the semester. The meeting point in the library is the transition from level 4 to the new specialised library level 2 in building I.
The programme for students is a cooperation between my and the University Library. Further information can be found on the website of mein
Elsevier: No licensing of online journals
In agreement with the Presidential Board of Paderborn University, the University Library has not extended its contract with Elsevier for the licensing of the publisher's online journals, which was due to expire on 31 December 2018. This took place against the backdrop of the unsuccessful federal licensing negotiations conducted by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK ) on behalf of the Alliance of Science Organisations with Elsevier as part of the DEAL project since 2016. In 2016 and 2017, 189 libraries and institutions cancelled or did not renew their contracts with Elsevier, followed by Paderborn University in 2018.
The University Library has archiving rights for those journals (volumes) for which subscriptions existed until the end of 2018 or in previous years; it is therefore still possible to use them. Access is also still possible to the backfiles of Elsevier journals licensed under a national licence, which cover the years 1907 to 2002, depending on the title.
For members of Paderborn University, the University Library procures articles from Elsevier journals that are no longer available in full text via interlibrary loan and covers the costs.
SPUREN - the life of young prisoners in Hövelhof Prison. Photo exhibition in the Paderborn University Library from 8 to 27 January 2019
Mobile art competition 'Perspectives' until 18 February 2019
What creative and artistic possibilities do mobile devices offer? Take part in the competition organised by the Chair of Art Didactics with a special focus on inclusion with a photo created using a smartphone or tablet. Whether as an individual achievement or in a team, whether produced in your free time, at university or in other contexts: All Paderborn University students can take part.
The most successful works will be exhibited in the university library and shown on a virtual platform. The three best submissions will be honoured with high-quality prizes. The closing date for entries is 18 February 2019.
Further information on the competition can be found on the website of the Institute of Art / Music / Textiles.
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