Toi­let re­fur­bish­ment in the uni­ver­sity lib­rary

28.09.2019: Com­ple­tion of the toi­let re­fur­bish­ment

Together with our users, we are delighted that the long-awaited comprehensive toilet refurbishment in the library, which began on 26 February 2019, has now been successfully completed.

We thank you for your understanding during this construction work, which took longer than originally planned.

30.08.2019: The first toi­lets are us­able again

The toilets on level 2 have been completed and released for use.

What is be­ing done?

In the University Library, the pipework in all toilets in Building BI will be replaced and all toilets will be completely refurbished. The toilets will be fitted with new sanitary installations and partition walls.

To do this, walls have to be chiselled open, new pipes laid and wall installations fitted.

How long does the re­fur­bish­ment take?

Start of the construction work: 26 February 2019

Completion: planned for the end of August 2019

What is dif­fer­ent than usu­al?

All toilets in the University Library in building BI cannot be used during this time.

Please use the toilets in the surrounding buildings, e.g. via level 4 to the toilets in building I, level 2. The toilets outside the library can also be reached quickly, e.g. directly opposite the library, between lecture theatres C1 and C2.

Are there any oth­er re­stric­tions?

During the demolition work(expected to last until 22 March 2019), there will be considerable noise pollution.

In order to minimise dust generation, the affected fields on levels 0, 2, 4 and 5 of the library will be enclosed with dust protection walls.

Access to all specialised libraries will be guaranteed during the construction work.

The toilet refurbishment fulfils a long-held wish of our users. We ask for your understanding that there will be considerable, unfortunately unavoidable, noise disturbance during the construction work.

Com­mu­nic­a­tions 2019