Open Ac­cess Pub­lic­a­tion Fund

Open Access Publication Fund

Paderborn University promotes open access publishing through a central open access publication fund administered by the University Library (see Senate resolution of 18 January 2023).

The publication of articles in open access journals, contributions to open access anthologies and open access monographs can be sponsored with funds from the publication fund. The maximum funding amount for open access articles in open access journals and for contributions to open access anthologies is 2,000 euros net (plus VAT), for open access monographs 5,000 euros net (plus VAT).

The Open Access Publication Fund is aimed at all academics - especially young academics - at Paderborn University who are employed at Paderborn University at the time of manuscript submission and who appear to the publisher as 'corresponding author' or 'submitting author'.

An application is usually submitted to the University Library before the manuscript is submitted to the publisher. Funding is only granted until 31 December of the following year.

As the total resources of the publication fund are limited, it is imperative that available project and third-party funding for publications is prioritised.

The resources of the publication fund are spent successively until the fund is exhausted. The decisive factor here is the date of receipt of the application.

If the open access publication is accepted by a publisher and an invoice is issued to the author, the invoice can be processed between the author and the University Library.

The funded publications are also made available online via the Paderborn University Library's publication service (secondary publication).

Eli­gib­il­ity cri­ter­ia, ap­plic­a­tion, in­voice pro­cessing

Art­icles in Open Ac­cess journ­als: Eli­gib­il­ity cri­ter­ia, ap­plic­a­tion, in­voice pro­cessing

Eligibility criteria

  • The articles to be published appear in journals where all contributions are fully open access immediately upon publication. It is an open access journal (not just an open access option) and the journal applies the strict quality assurance procedures recognised in the respective subject area. Such journals are usually listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
  • The publishers and journals apply recognised, strict quality assurance procedures ('peer review procedures') in the respective subject area.
  • In accordance with DFG guidelines, mirror journals are excluded from funding despite DOAJ listing. The following list can be used as an indicator for journals that are categorised as mirror journals (
  • The researcher is the 'corresponding author' or 'submitting author' of the publication and is affiliated with Paderborn University. The publication must have been produced while working at Paderborn University.
  • The application to the University Library is usually submitted before the manuscript is submitted to the publisher. Funding is only granted until 31 December of the following year.
  • Article Processing Charges (APCs) can be supported with a funding amount of up to 2,000 euros net (plus VAT). Authors must pay any additional fees from their own funds ('co-payment').
  • Only articles for which no other funding options exist (e.g. DFG publication grants) are eligible for funding. Publication funds acquired or applied for as part of third-party funded projects are to be prioritised. Excess or incorrectly disbursed funding can be reclaimed.
  • The submitting author must add the following note to the funded article: "I/We acknowledge support for the publication costs by the Open Access Publication Fund of Paderborn University".
  • The publication is made under a free licence (preferably Creative Commons licence CC BY).
  • The publication is given a persistent identifier (e.g. DOI, URN).
  • Open access articles in subscription-based journals according to the 'hybrid' model are not eligible for funding.
  • Special regulations apply to the funding of open access articles within the framework of institutional memberships/participation in transformation agreements. Information on this and on Paderborn University / Paderborn University Library memberships can be found at:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​.
  • Only article processing charges (APCs) are sponsored. Fees charged by journals for the mere submission of articles (handling/submission fees) irrespective of any publication, fees for colour illustrations (colour charges) or other fees are not sponsored by the Publication Fund.
  • The university affiliation of the author in accordance with the 'Guidelines for the naming of affiliations in scientific publications at Paderborn University' must be clearly recognisable in the publication. An official e-mail address of the 'corresponding author' or 'submitting author' of Paderborn University must be used as the contact address.


  • The 'corresponding author' or 'submitting author' submits an application for the assumption of costs using the online (application) form.

Invoice processing

  • After receiving the publisher's invoice, the author fills out the online (invoice) form and sends it to the library by e-mail together with a copy of the invoice. The promised funds from the publication fund are then reimbursed by the library, i.e. booked to the billing object specified by the author in the online (invoice) form.

Con­tri­bu­tions in Open Ac­cess ed­ited volumes: Fund­ing cri­ter­ia, ap­plic­a­tion, in­voice pro­cessing

Eligibility criteria

  • Contributions to open access edited volumes can only be sponsored if the complete edited volume is immediately available in open access upon publication.
  • Strict quality assurance procedures recognised in the respective subject area (e.g. peer review procedures, reviewer procedures, etc.) are applied, as is usual for publishers listed in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) or in the OAPEN Library or who are members of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA).
  • The researcher is the 'corresponding author' or 'submitting author' of the publication and is a member of Paderborn University. The publication must have been produced while working at Paderborn University.
  • The application to the University Library is usually submitted before the manuscript is submitted to the publisher. Funding is only granted until 31 December of the following year.
  • Contributions can be supported with a funding amount of up to 2,000 euros net (plus VAT). Authors must pay any fees in excess of this amount from their own funds ('co-payment').
  • Only contributions for which no other funding options exist (e.g. DFG publication grants) are eligible for funding. Publication funds acquired or applied for as part of third-party funded projects are to be prioritised. Excess or incorrectly disbursed funding can be reclaimed.
  • The submitting author must add the following note to the funded publication: "I/We acknowledge support for the publication costs by the Open Access Publication Fund of Paderborn University".
  • The publication is published under a free licence (preferably Creative Commons licence CC BY).
  • The publication receives a persistent identifier (e.g. DOI, URN).
  • Only costs for immediate open access publication are covered. Printing or publication cost subsidies and other fees are not sponsored.
  • The author's university affiliation in accordance with the 'Guideline for naming affiliations in scientific publications at Paderborn University' must be clearly recognisable in the publication. An official e-mail address of the 'corresponding author' or 'submitting author' of Paderborn University must be used as the contact address.


  • The 'corresponding author' or 'submitting author' submits an application for the assumption of costs using the online (application) form.

Invoice processing

  • After receiving the publisher's invoice, the author fills out the library's online (invoice ) form and sends it to the library by e-mail together with a copy of the invoice. The promised funds from the publication fund are then reimbursed by the library, i.e. booked to the billing object specified by the author in the online (invoice) form.

Open Ac­cess mono­graphs: fund­ing cri­ter­ia, ap­plic­a­tion, in­voice pro­cessing

Eligibility criteria

  • Eligible for funding are first publications of monographs that are available in 'Open Access' immediately upon publication.
  • Strict quality assurance procedures recognised in the respective subject area (e.g. peer review procedures, reviewer procedures, etc.) are applied, as is usual for publishers listed in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) or in the OAPEN Library or who are members of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA).
  • The researcher is the 'corresponding author' or 'submitting author' of the publication and is a member of Paderborn University. The publication must have been produced while working at Paderborn University.
  • The application to the University Library is usually submitted before the manuscript is submitted to the publisher. Funding is only granted until 31 December of the following year.
  • Open Access monographs can be sponsored with an amount of up to 5,000 euros net (plus VAT). Authors must cover any additional costs from their own funds ('co-payment').
  • Only publications for which no other funding options exist (e.g. DFG publication grants) are eligible for funding. Publication funds acquired or applied for as part of third-party funded projects are to be prioritised. Excess or incorrectly disbursed funding can be reclaimed.
  • The funded publication must be labelled with the following note: "I/We acknowledge support for the publication costs by the Open Access Publication Fund of Paderborn University".
  • The publication is made under a free licence (preferably Creative Commons licence CC BY).
  • The publication receives a persistent identifier (e.g. DOI, URN).
  • Only costs for immediate open access publication will be covered; printing or publication cost subsidies and other fees will not be sponsored. The publisher must submit a cost calculation; a flat-rate open access fee cannot be recognised.
  • The open access publication of a doctoral dissertation with a specialised publisher is also eligible for funding, provided that no other means of publication are available.
  • The publication of Bachelor's and Master's theses etc. is not sponsored.
  • The university affiliation of the author in accordance with the 'Guideline for naming affiliations in scientific publications at Paderborn University' must be clearly recognisable in the publication. An official e-mail address of the 'corresponding author' or 'submitting author' of Paderborn University must be used as the contact address.


  • The corresponding author or submitting author submits an application for the assumption of costs using the following online (application) forms.

Invoice processing

  • After receiving the publisher's invoice, the author fills out the library's online (invoice) form and sends it to the library by e-mail together with a copy of the invoice. The promised funds from the publication fund are then reimbursed by the library, i.e. booked to the billing object specified by the author in the online (invoice) form.

Ad­vice and con­tact

E-mail: openaccess(at)ub.uni-paderborn(dot)de
Tel: +49 5251 60-2020 (Anna Nickel, Open Access Officer at Paderborn University)