Opening hours per week (regular opening hours): 105,5
Proportion of closed stacks in %: 10
Gross area in m²: 10,195 of which user areas: 8,046
User workstations: 595 including 525 reading workstations (449 individual workstations and 76 group workstations), including PC workstations: 59 (30 internet, 16 intranet, 10 scanner, 1 microform and 2 multimedia workstations)
11 individual workspaces
Inventory and additions
Total holdings (monographs, journals, microfiches, CD-ROMs, databases, etc.): approx. 2.37 million media units of which journal subscriptions in printed form: 832 of which electronic journals: 65,656 of which electronic holdings: 1,024,023
Additional access to freely available electronic journals: 79,416
Additional access to free databases: 6,111
Newly acquired monographs: 11,793
Newly acquired e-books: 34,926
Library visitors: 489,276
Active users (= borrowers): 14,424
Registered users: 22,953
Registered external users: 2,119
Local loans: 111,598 Loans 656,271 Renewals 767,869 Total loans 44,460 Reservations 114,635 Returns
Interlibrary loans: 5,028 positively completed requests for interlibrary loans and 4,106 positively completed requests for interlibrary loans
Search requests in the local WWW catalogue: 3,735,950