Fur­ther edu­ca­tion

Why further training?

The use of new technologies and media is constantly changing the tasks and working conditions of staff in academic libraries. In order to be able to meet the diverse demands on the services offered, professional training must be promoted. Paderborn University Library offers its staff the opportunity to adapt to new professional developments and to broaden and deepen their professional knowledge within the framework of further training measures.

What further training courses are available?

How do you register?

Please register for all external training courses via the library's training officer, i.e. via your immediate superior and the head of department. If available, please use the corresponding registration forms on the web.

The training officer or her representative will initiate the further procedure in agreement with the library management, e.g. setting priorities, involving the university administration and the staff councils, forwarding the registrations.

Please register for the library's internal training events - in consultation with your direct supervisor - with the library's training officer or his/her representative (unless otherwise specified in the event announcements).

Who are your contact persons?

Training Officer: Ursula Hlubek
Representative: Nina Perez Napp

Are you looking for further links on the subject of continuing education?

Do you have any suggestions or proposals for topics?

Please pass on suggestions and proposals for topics for library and university-internal further training courses and hbz events to the further training officer or her representative.