- Access to more than 800,000 electronic information media
- Acquisition guidelines for information media (PDF document)
- Address and directions
- Administrative Regulations
- Archive Regulations of Paderborn University (PDF document)
- Archive see University Archive
- E-books
- Education
- eduroam see WLAN
- E-Learning see Publication Service
- Electronic dissertations and postdoctoral theses of Paderborn University see Publication Service
- Electronic Journals Library (EZB)
- E-seminars
- Events
- Exhibitions
- Extensions see Lending
- Facts and figures
- Fees
- Flyer
- For the shelving system see shelving of books
- Forms for download
- Further education
- Imprint
- Individual workstations
- Information literacy
- Information on accepting books and other media as gifts
- Interlibrary loan
- Interlibrary loan reading room see reading room or rare books reading room
- Internet/Intranet workstations
- Internships
- Introductions and training
- Paderborn University
- Participation in committees, cooperations and memberships
- Password see library card number and password
- PC terms of use of Paderborn University Library
- PC workstations
- Press review
- Printing and file export at the PC workstations
- Printing see Scanning, copying and printing
- Publication service
- Publications of the University Library and about the University Library
- Publish dissertations
- Purchase requests
- Scanning, copying and printing
- Search request
- Security at night and at weekends
- Seminar equipment see eSeminar equipment
- Service/library card, combined
- Shibboleth s. Electronic information media for remote access: VPN, Shibboleth (DFN-AAI)
- Short-term childcare
- Short-term loans see loan conditions
- Signatures (list of holdings)
- Special locations
- Staff of the University Library (alphabetical list)
- Statistics see Facts and Figures
- Stocks
- Subject classification books
- Subject information
- Subject sections / Subject librarians
- Tasks of the UB
- Telephone directory see Staff of the University Library
- Training courses
- Transaction number (TAN)
- University Archive
- University building plan
- University publications see publication service
- User account see catalogue
- User card see library card