Uni­ver­sity Archive Pader­born

Welcome to the University Archive!

The University Archives archives, secures, indexes and digitises documents from the field of Paderborn University and its predecessor institutions, e.g. files, documents, printed matter, card indexes, files, maps, plans, posters, seals, image, film and sound documents as well as other information carriers.

In addition, the University Archive collects supplementary documentation such as the estates of professors and other documents of historical value to the University (e.g. photos, pamphlets, posters, newspaper clippings and correspondence) as well as other documents and third-party collections, insofar as they document the history of Paderborn University or its predecessor institutions and can be used for academic research.

In addition, the University Archive advises the University's institutions on securing their documents with a view to their subsequent archiving, participates in the scientific evaluation of the archive material within the scope of its personnel possibilities and contributes to researching and communicating the history of the University and its institutions and helps to sharpen the historical profile of the University externally in the context of university marketing and internally in the sense of a corporate identity.