View lib­rary ac­count

You can view and check your library account via the University Library catalogue,

  • which media you have borrowed,
  • when you need to renew the loan periods of the media,
  • which media you have reserved and whether reserved media have already been made available to you,
  • whether media have been reserved by other users,
  • whether there are any current fees to be paid.

How to log in to your library account:

  1. Call up the University Library catalogue .
  2. Select the menu item 'My library account'.
  3. If necessary, log in with your library card number and password .
  4. Select e.g. "Borrowed media" to see your currently borrowed media or "Reservations" to see your active reservations on borrowed media.
  5. Other menu items in your library account are Loan history, watch lists, interlibrary loan requests and your data (incl. password change function).
  • We will only notify you by e-mail when

    • a medium you have reserved can be collected,
    • the loan period of your borrowed media has expired,
    • literature ordered via interlibrary loan can be collected,
    • fees have been incurred.
  • However, we would like to point out that the University Library accepts no legal liability for the receipt of e-mails. Therefore, please check your library account regularly. Here you will always find the current status of reservations, loan periods and fees.