Pub­lish dis­ser­ta­tions

The doctoral regulations of the faculties of Paderborn University provide for the publication of doctoral dissertations in electronic form via the publication service of the University Library or alternatively as a distribution via the book trade (publisher's dissertation) as an option for publication.

Pub­lic­a­tion in elec­tron­ic form

The University Library's publication service offers members of the University and its institutions the opportunity to publish electronic documents as open access publications.

In order to make your doctoral dissertation available to the academic public in an appropriate manner, the University Library requires

  • the full text of your doctoral dissertation in electronic form as a PDF,
  • a signed declaration by which you transfer to Paderborn University Library, the German National Library and all other publicly accessible libraries in Germany and abroad the right to store the work and make it available to the public via the Internet, and
  • a printed specimen copy of the doctoral dissertation.

Please arrange a submission date in advance with the Publication Services team. You will receive a confirmation of receipt of the copy for submission to the faculty.

You can also send your specimen copy and the signed declaration by post .

Please enclose your contact details so that we can inform you about the receipt of your specimen copies. We will send the confirmation of receipt by internal mail to the relevant faculty.

Pub­lic­a­tion as a pub­lish­er's dis­ser­ta­tion

In order to make your doctoral dissertation available to the scientific public in an appropriate manner, you must submit two copies to the University Library if you publish your dissertation as a publisher's dissertation.

Please arrange a submission date in advance with the Publication Services team. You will receive a confirmation of receipt of the copies for submission to the faculty.

You can also send your specimen copies by post .

Please enclose your contact details so that we can inform you that we have received your specimen copies. We will send the confirmation of receipt by internal mail to the relevant faculty.

Ad­vice and con­tact

You can reach the Publication Service team as follows:

Phone: +49 5251 60-2141
Postal address for specimen copies: Paderborn University Library
Subject area monographs
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

René Sprotte

Phone: +495251 60-4251