
In its digitisation centre, the University Library digitises and indexes books and journals that are in its collection or in the collection of cooperating libraries and that are copyright-free or from which the University Library has acquired permission for digitisation, and makes them available as open access publications for free and worldwide use via its 'Digital Collections'. Like retro-digitised items from other academic libraries in NRW, they are listed in the University Library catalogue and in other search tools.

Library users can use the digitalisation service to submit proposals for the digitisation of out-of-copyright books from the University Library's holdings.

Di­git­al­isa­tion ser­vice

Requests for the digitalisation of copyright-free books from the holdings of the University Library

We offer all persons with a library card of the UB Paderborn the possibility to submit proposals for the digitalisation of books from the holdings of the UB via the form "Digitalisation proposal".

Digitalisation is possible under the following conditions:

  • the author has been deceased for at least 70 years,
  • the books are in the holdings of the UB and the state of preservation permits digitalisation.

After receiving your proposal, we will check whether it can be digitised and give you feedback as soon as possible. Please understand that the speed of processing depends on the workload of the internal scanning infrastructure and therefore varies.

Please also note that the proposed work will be scanned according to the fixed digitalisation parameters of the UB.

*) The following information is required: First name, last name, library card and e-mail address of the person placing the order as well as title, author/editor, year of publication (if applicable with place of publication) and the signature of the UB Paderborn.

Ad­vice and con­tact

E-mail: digitalisierungswunsch(at)ub.uni-paderborn(dot)de
Tel: +49 5251 60-2060 (Martina Holthaus)