Opening hours per week (regular opening hours): 107
Proportion of closed stacks in %: 10
Gross area in m²: 8.346 of which user areas: 6.635
User workstations: 533 including 450 reading workstations (260 individual workstations and 190 group workstations), including PC workstations: 83 (53 internet, 28 intranet and 2 multimedia workstations)
Inventory and additions
Total holdings (monographs, journals, microfiches, CD-ROMs, databases, etc.): approx. 1,75 million media units including printed journal subscriptions: 1.372 including electronic journals: 45.433 including electronic holdings: 389.124
Additional access to freely available electronic journals: 27.304
Additional access to freely available databases: 3.125
Newly acquired monographs: 20.473
Newly acquired e-books: 18.049
Library visitors: 1.161.284
Active users (= borrowers): 18.300
External users: 3.600
Local lending: 345.758 Loans 1.405.076 Renewals 1.921.570 Total borrowings 40.145 Reservations 343.580 Rebookings
Interlibrary loans: 12.967 positively completed orders for interlibrary loans and 13.516 positively completed orders for interlibrary loans
Hits on the local WWW catalogue: 25.068.701
Hits on the UB websites: 27.025.829
Library staff according to the staffing plan: 58,84