Sec­ond­ary pub­lic­a­tions (Green Open Ac­cess)

The secondary publication of publications in an (inter)disciplinary or institutional Open Access repository is referred to as Green Open Access. Publications that were not first published Open Access by a publisher are thus made accessible worldwide free of charge and usually published under an Open Content licence.

Secondary publications are possible

Paderborn University strongly recommends that authors make sure that their author contract (also known as publishing contract) expressly permits such a secondary publication in repositories parallel to the first publication or after a certain embargo period (embargo, max. 12 months since first publication) in the accepted manuscript version (postprint), or better still in the publisher's layout of the first publication.

Sec­ond­ary pub­lic­a­tion of art­icles pub­lished in journ­als

  • The contents of the author contract (also known as the publishing contract) are legally binding with regard to secondary publication.
  • In addition to the rights granted in the author contract, Section 38 (4) UrhG regulates the so-called secondary publication right for articles published in journals. It states that authors may "otherwise reproduce, distribute and make publicly accessible" works published in periodical collections after an embargo (blocking period) of 12 months has expired. Authors may therefore make their publications in the accepted manuscript version (postprint) available to the public within 12 months of first publication, provided that this does not serve a commercial purpose.
  • If there is no author contract, the SHERPA/RoMEO platform and the respective publisher's website provide an overview of the publisher's conditions for secondary publication.

Secondary publication of monographs and articles published in mono­graphs/collected works

  • In contrast to journal articles, there is no legal basis for the secondary publication of monographs or contributions in monographs and no central platform for the verification of publishing conditions. This is due to the individual organisation of the author contract for each monograph and publisher.
  • In the case of monographs and articles that have already been published, authors should contact the publisher to find out the conditions for a secondary publication. The possibility of a second publication of the monograph or article with fixed embargo periods should ideally be arranged with the publisher before publication.

Ad­vice and con­tact

E-mail: openaccess(at)ub.uni-paderborn(dot)de
Tel: +49 5251 60-2020 (Anna Nickel, Open Access Officer at Paderborn University)