Open ac­cess pub­lish­ing with pub­lish­ers (Gold Open Ac­cess)

The first publication of academic works in open access journals, open access monographs or in open access anthologies or conference proceedings is referred to as gold open access. The works are usually quality assured in the form of peer review or editorial review. Once published, the works are accessible worldwide free of charge and are usually published under an open content licence. The difference to the classic business model is the complete waiver of subscription and licence fees that academic libraries or other institutions or individuals pay to publishers for subscriptions to printed journals or for access to electronic resources (databases, journals, monographs, ...).

It should be noted that Gold Open Access publishing may incur publication fees for authors, so-called Article Processing Charges (APCs) or Book Processing Charges (BPCs).

Fund­ing op­por­tun­it­ies

For authors of the Paderborn University there are

  • the possibility of funding through the Open Access Publication Fund of the university as well as
  • Funding and discount options for APCs due to the University Library's participation in so-called transformation agreements and other licence agreements.
    Information can be found on the page: Publishing agreements (Support through existing publishing agreements).

Ad­vice and con­tact

E-mail: openaccess(at)ub.uni-paderborn(dot)de
Tel: +49 5251 60-2035 (Birgit Bohle) and +49 5251 60-2032 (Christiane Franz)

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion for au­thors