Opening hours from 24.12.2006 to 01.01.2007
Sunday, | 24.12. | - | Tuesday, | 26.12.: | closed |
Wednesday, | 27.12. | - | Saturday, | 30.12.: | 9.00 - 18.00 open |
Sunday, | 31.12. | - | Monday, | 01.01.: | closed |
The Computer Science Branch Library (Fürstenallee) will be closed from 24.12.2006 to 01.01.2007.
Our electronic services such as catalogue, loan account, interlibrary loan, DigiBib (personalised access), databases, reference works or electronic full texts via WWW will be available to you on the closing days or during the closing times.
From 02.01.2007 we will be available for you again during the usual opening hours!
Power cut on 27 and 28 December 2006 in the Natural Sciences Library (level 3) and the Linguistics and Literature Library (level 4)
The power will be switched off in the Natural Sciences (level 3) and Linguistics and Literature (level 4) libraries on 27 and 28 December 2006, as important electrical work has to be carried out.
Due to the work, restrictions on the use of the specialised library are to be expected.
New: Springer e-books for economics
Paderborn University Library is expanding its range of electronic information media by acquiring economic e-books from Springer Verlag.
Licensed on the basis of a consortium/framework agreement - which was concluded by the University Library Centre (hbz) in Cologne for several NRW university libraries - are the e-book packages "Economics" and "Business & Economics", which Springer Verlag is offering as part of an introductory offer. The packages include the specialised title portfolio of the copyright years 2005 and 2006 as well as all new publications expected for 2007 (including the "Lecture Notes in Economics & Mathematical Systems", which was previously subscribed to as a print edition) and contain a total of approx. 940 titles.
Of particular strategic interest to the University Library will be whether and to what extent the textbooks contained in the packages, which can currently only be licensed via the packages, are accepted by the university's students.
The individual electronic books are to be listed in the University Library catalogue as the University Library's central research tool. As some preparatory work is still required for this, the individual titles will only be catalogued via SpringerLink (search for: "Books" and "Business and Economics") for the time being.
Exhibition in the University Library from 4 to 30 December 2006: Archäologie gräbt Geschichte in Paderborn aus
Paderborn University Library online customer survey - your opinion is important to us!
Dear library user,
We would like to know how satisfied you are with our services.
You can help us to further develop our services according to your wishes by taking part in our online customer survey.
It only takes a few minutes to answer the 16 questions. The data you provide will of course be treated in strict confidence and used exclusively for the purposes of this survey.
The survey is being carried out for several university libraries in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia between 15 November and 15 December 2006 in cooperation with the Institut für wirtschaftspsychologische Forschung und Beratung GmbH (IWFB) and is part of a project entitled "Quality management in university libraries" funded by the Ministry of Innovation, Science, Research and Technology (MIWFT).
Its results, which we expect to report on in February 2007, will also enable us to compare the performance of the participating university libraries.
By taking part in the survey, you can win one of several book vouchers worth 50, 25 and 15 euros!
You can find the questionnaire via the button "Online customer survey"
Thank you very much for your support!
The library will be closed on Wednesday, 1 November 2006 (All Saints' Day)!
Books from the reference collection can be borrowed from 31 October to 2 November.
Of course, you will have access to our electronic services such as catalogue, loan account, databases, reference works or electronic full texts via WWW on this public holiday.
On Thursday, 26 October 2006, the library will close at 8 p.m. due to the AStA snooping party
During the period of closure, you can of course access our electronic services such as the catalogue, loan account, databases, reference works or electronic full texts via the WWW.
Exhibition in the University Library from 24 October to 17 November 2006: Der vermessene Mensch
Electronic seminar apparatuses 'E-Seminar apparatuses' - New service of Paderborn University Library
At the beginning of the 2006/07 winter semester, Paderborn University Library will open its portal "E-Seminar Apparatuses" as a new service of the University Library to support teaching at Paderborn University, the "University of the Information Society".
E-seminar apparatuses are institutions set up by lecturers for courses and offer improved and extended functionalities compared to the previous conventional seminar apparatuses.
In a freely accessible field, e-seminar apparatuses list selected books from the University Library's holdings and other conventional teaching materials, which - as conventional seminar apparatuses - are set up for reference use in the University Library's specialised libraries. The connection to the catalogue makes it possible, among other things, to check whether further copies of the titles in the seminar apparatus are available in the library and can possibly be borrowed. E-seminar catalogues can also contain links to selected electronic media that are accessible within the university campus or for all members of the University.
In a password-protected field accessible only to authorised seminar members, e-seminar collections will in future - after a test phase - also include digitised journal articles protected by copyright, book excerpts, etc., as well as annotated Internet links, up-to-date seminar information, working group results and photocopies.
The University Library assumes that students will greatly appreciate the fact that electronic full texts will now be available to them via the Internet in addition to previous book lists and literature recommendations, regardless of time and place, and that the new service offered by the University Library will make an important contribution to the University's eLearning programme.
The development of the portal is part of the activities of the University Library as part of the BMBF project "Locomotion" at Paderborn University. The technical basis is the open source software "miless", which has been developed at the University of Essen since 1997 and is now also used at other university libraries in North Rhine-Westphalia, Thuringia and Baden-Württemberg.
The portal - with currently 232 e-seminars - is accessible at the URL:
Here you will also find information on how to set up and manage e-seminar apparatuses for lecturers.
For questions and information, please contact the staff of the University Library Information Centre .
The library will be closed on Tuesday, 3 October 2006 (German Unity Day)!
Books from the reference collection can be borrowed from 29 September to 4 October.
Of course you will have access to our electronic services such as catalogue, loan account, databases, reference works or electronic full texts via WWW on this public holiday.
Power cut on 18 and 19 August in the Linguistics and Literature Library (Level 4)
The power in the Linguistics and Literature Library will be switched off on Friday 18 August and probably also on Saturday 19 August 2006, as important work has to be carried out on the electrical system.
Due to the lack of lighting, the library will only be accessible until 4.00 pm on Friday.
The power cut will also affect the AStA copy room, so you will only be able to use the photocopiers on level 2, Humanities, and the printer on the entrance level. Please remember that you can only use your notebook with a battery on these days.
Self-checkout of books - New service at Paderborn University Library
From 15 August, customers of the University Library will be able to check in and borrow books themselves.
This is possible via two self-checkout terminals, which are set up in the field of local lending and are available during all opening hours. The service applies to all books available for loan in the specialised libraries. This service is only not available for media ordered from the stacks, for the collection and booking of reserved media and media ordered via interlibrary loan; bookings for these media will continue to be made at the circulation desk.
A library card is required for the simple, menu-driven operation of the terminals, which is explained in diagrams. This is first read in and checked at the terminal, after which the books can be read in individually. They are automatically booked to the user account. At the end of a successful borrowing process, a receipt stating the return date is issued via a built-in thermal printer. Although the operation of the self-checkout terminals is as natural and easy as using a bank's ATM, during the introductory phase, library staff will be on hand until 8.00 p.m. on weekdays to help users operate the machines.
Changes to the "short-term loan"
The lending conditions of Paderborn University Library are set out in the Regulations for the Use of Paderborn University Library of 7 April 2006 (Amtliche Mitteilungen. Paderborn University Gazette, No. 16/06 of 10 April 2006): http: //
According to BenO, all information media available in the University Library can be borrowed for use outside the library rooms, unless they are reference collections, journals and information media particularly worthy of protection or information media set up in seminar apparatus (§ 8 para. 1 and § 9 para. 1). The University Library has the possibility to regulate in detail that the above-mentioned information media that cannot be borrowed are placed on a so-called "short-term loan" (§ 9 para. 2).
The "short-term loan" is authorised for information media that are externally labelled with the location codes 10, 30, 40, 50 (specialist libraries) and 60 (IT branch library) and are defined as "conditional reference collection". In terms of content, these are, firstly, reference works in the narrower and broader sense, which, as determined by the responsible subject librarians, are not part of the absolute "core stock" of a department, secondly, "study literature" in multiple copies, of which, as a rule, i.e. with the exception of a "short-term loan", a copy should be available for permanent use in the rooms of the University Library at all times, and thirdly, journals.
(1) The short-term loan of books for users who are not employees of the university was previously possible on Mondays to Thursdays from 4.00 pm until the next day, 10.00 am, and on Fridays from 12.00 noon until Monday, 10.00 am.
As of 15 August, "short loans for books" can be made for the duration of one day (until midnight the following day). Immediate re-lending is not possible.
(2) Short-term loans of bound journals for users who are not employees of the University are no longer possible. If there is a need to make copies of individual articles from bound journals, the University Library has black-and-white and colour copiers as well as a scanner available for this purpose.
(3) Books that are placed in seminar or semester collections could previously be borrowed from Friday from 4.00 pm to Monday 10.00 am. With a view to the future "electronic seminar apparatus" service (about which detailed information will be provided in a later newsletter), the stipulation in the BenO that information media placed in seminar apparatus are excluded from lending (§ 9 para. 1) will be put into practice from 15 August.
(4) The previous regulations on "short-term loans" for university employees will remain in their current form until further notice.
Complete overview of the Paderborn University Library's lending conditions:
Paderborn University Library stands out in a nationwide comparison of libraries
Paderborn University Library (UB) took part in the Library Index for Academic Libraries (BIX-WB) for the third time this year and once again achieved a good ranking.
It has once again taken part in this voluntary nationwide performance comparison in order to be able to better assess its own strengths and weaknesses on the basis of key figures and comparative results and to receive suggestions for its future work. It does this in the knowledge that excellent universities need excellent libraries - service facilities that ensure the supply of the university, its research and teaching with the necessary information media - and that the performance and reputation of the library are essential building blocks for the performance and "image" of a university.
A total of 73 academic libraries, 11 of them from North Rhine-Westphalia, took part in this performance comparison in the fields of services, utilisation, efficiency and development.
In the group of "single-tier university libraries", Paderborn University Library achieved 11th place out of a total of 30 libraries compared in this category. It was ranked second best among the participating libraries in North Rhine-Westphalia.
In the field of "Development", the University Library was able to improve by three positions to third place nationwide. In the "training days per employee" indicator included here, it has by far the best value for North Rhine-Westphalia with 3.8 training days per employee.
In the field of "efficiency", which is becoming increasingly important in view of dwindling resources and the increasing financial difficulties faced by academic libraries, Paderborn University Library is in a good 12th place nationwide and even in first place in North Rhine-Westphalia. When it comes to the personnel costs that a library spends on providing media per user - the lower the expenditure per user, the more cost-efficient the library's work - Paderborn University Library is the fifth most efficient library in a nationwide comparison and even the "most efficient library" in North Rhine-Westphalia.
In the field of "utilisation", it is pleasing to note that the number of library visits and information media borrowed has increased compared to the previous year.
In the field of "Services", the University Library continues to impress with its extensive opening hours (100 hours per week) and the "Share of expenditure on electronic holdings in total expenditure on information provision"; here it achieves the highest value in a nationwide comparison at 43.8 per cent. However, as in previous years, insufficient room capacity and limited budget funds prevent a better position: with 469.3 square metres per 1,000 users, Paderborn University Library only occupies one of the last places in the nationwide comparison of public space (and thus also user workstations) (average: 832.7 square metres, maximum: 2,490.8 square metres). In terms of the "library staff per 1,000 users" indicator, it has the seventh worst value; this makes the library's efforts to intensify contact with its customers - in particular through increased training programmes - more difficult. And with regard to the indicator "Expenditure on literature and information per 1,000 users", Paderborn University Library is in fifth last place.
In 2005, Paderborn University Library had more than 1.3 million media units, approx. 1,900 current journal subscriptions and also offered access to approx. 26,000 electronic journal titles and approx. 14,700 electronic books. Last year, around 1.2 million loans were registered, which were made by 16,318 users. The library is open 100 hours a week and is available to all interested parties free of charge. In 2005, the library was open 349 days a week.
Further information:
All results and participants of the BIX 2006:
The results of Paderborn University Library in detail:
Good marks for the UB in the CHE university ranking
The CHE University Ranking offers a differentiated view of the performance of German universities. However, university libraries are only mentioned in passing: They appear in the information on the respective subjects under the heading: 'Student judgements on the library'; occasionally, statements on library facilities and performance are also made under the heading 'Comments from the subject area on facilities'.
In the latest CHE University Ranking, Paderborn University students gave the University Library good marks for the newly ranked subject areas of Chemistry, Computer Science and Mathematics:
"Student judgements on the library"
... | for Chemistry: | Grade 1.9 | In comparison 2003: no grade |
... | for Computer Science: | Grade 1.7 | In comparison 2003: grade 2.0 |
... | for maths: | Grade 1.9 | In comparison 2003: grade 2.3 |
Complete overview "Study judgements on the library":
... | for English and American Studies: | Grade 2.2 (teaching degree) or Grade 2.3 (Magister) (2004) | Comments from the department on the facilities: "good library facilities". For comparison 2001: grade 2.3 |
.. | for Business Administration: | Grade 2.2 (2005) | In comparison 2002: grade 2.3 (Business Administration) and grade 2.4 (International Business Studies) |
... | for Chemistry: | Grade 1.9 (2006) | In comparison 2003: no grade; comments from the department on the facilities: "excellent library" |
... | for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology: | No grade (2004) | Comments from the department on the facilities: "excellently equipped library (open daily)". For comparison 2000: grade 2.1 |
... | for Education Studies: | Grade 2.4 (2004) | For comparison 2001: grade 2.6 |
... | for German Studies: | Grade 2.3 (teaching degree) (2004) | Comments from the department on the facilities: "a well-stocked department within the central university library". For comparison 2001: grade 2.3 (Magister) or 2.5 (state examination) |
... | for History: | Grade 2.5 (2004) | Comments from the department on the facilities: "excellent library opening hours" ... for Computer Science: grade 1.7 (2006) In comparison 2003: grade 2.0 |
... | for Computer Science: | Grade 1.7 (2006) | In comparison 2003: grade 2.0 |
... | for Mechanical Engineering: | Grade 2.0 (2004) | In comparison 2000: grade 2.0 |
... | for maths: | Grade 1.9 (2006) | In comparison 2003: grade 2.3; comments of the department on the equipment: "good library equipment (journals and monographs)" |
... | for Media and Communication Studies, Journalism: | Grade 2.0 (2005) | |
... | for Physics: | no grade (2006) | For comparison 2003: no grade; comments from the department on the facilities: "Reference library also in the evenings and at weekends" |
... | for Economics: | Grade 2.2 (2005) | |
... | for Information Systems: | Grade 2.0 (2005) | In comparison 2002: grade 2.0 |
... | for Industrial Engineering: | Grade 2.1 (2005) | In comparison 2002: grade 2.2 |
... | for Business Education: | Grade 2.4 (2002) |
23 June 2006, 4 p.m.: Reading "Olga Masur: Ich wollt' ich wär' die Letzte - Kindesvergewaltigung und die Zeit danach. An authentic report."
20-21 June 2006: Paderborn University Library on site - Your way through the information jungle!
The library will be closed on Thursday, 15 June 2006 (Corpus Christi)!
Books from semester apparatus and from the reference collection can be borrowed from 14 June, 12.00 noon to 19 June, 12.00 noon.
Of course you will have access to our electronic services such as catalogue, loan account, databases, reference works or electronic full texts via WWW on this public holiday.
The library closes on Thursday, 8 June 2006, at 2 p.m. (AStA Summer Festival)
Of course you have access to our electronic services such as catalogue, loan account, databases, reference works or electronic full texts via WWW.
The library will be closed on Sunday, 4 June 2006 and Monday, 5 June 2006 (Whitsun)!
Books from semester apparatus and from the reference collection can be borrowed from 2 June, 12.00 noon to 6 June, 12.00 noon.
Of course you will have access to our electronic services such as catalogue, loan account, databases, reference works or electronic full texts via WWW on this public holiday.
The library is closed on Thursday, 25 May 2006 (Ascension Day)!
Books from semester apparatus and from the reference collection can be borrowed from 24 May, 12.00 noon to 29 May, 12.00 noon.
Of course, you will have access to our electronic services such as catalogue, loan account, databases, reference works or electronic full texts via WWW on this public holiday.
17.05. - 23.06.2006: Photo exhibition "Das verborgene Andere" - Project of the Institute of Media Studies
Construction work in the Business and Economics Library (Level 5) from Thursday, 11 May 2006
In the field of the reading room of the individual workstations, the windows and the sun protection will be renewed.
As part of this construction work, a dust protection wall will be installed so that some of the workstations will be available despite the remodelling work.
Noise pollution is also to be expected on the entire floor.
We ask for your understanding.
Good marks for the UB in the CHE university ranking
In the latest CHE University Ranking, Paderborn University students gave the University Library good marks for the newly ranked subject areas of Chemistry, Computer Science and Mathematics:
"Student judgements on the library"
... for Chemistry: grade 1.9 (compared to 2003: no grade)
... for Computer Science: grade 1.7 (compared to 2003: 2.0)
... for Mathematics: grade 1.9 (compared to 2003: 2.3)
Urgent repair work in the University Library Centre on 05.05.2006, from 08.00 a.m.
Due to urgent repair work at the University Library Centre (hbz), there may be a temporary outage of the Digital Library, the electronic interlibrary loan, the availability query and the union catalogue on 05.05.2006, from 08.00 a.m. onwards. The hbz asks for your understanding.
New print function since 25/04/2006
A new print function has been available for printing saved or downloaded files since 25 April 2006. Print files can be called up and printed on two printers/copiers in the library (level 1 and level 4) and on the printers/copiers in the AStA-Copy-Shop. These devices are operated by the AStA of the university. Please contact the AStA in case of paper jams or other problems (-> contact form).
Changed opening hours at Easter
Good Friday, | 14.04.2006, | closed on |
Saturday, | 15.04.2006, | open from 09.00 - 18.00 hrs |
Easter Sunday, | 16.04.2006, | closed |
Easter Monday, | 17.04.2006, | closed |
The Computer Science Branch Library in Fürstenallee will be closed from 14 to 17 April 2006.
Of course you will have access to our electronic services such as catalogue, loan account, databases, reference works or electronic full texts via WWW on Easter Monday.
New joint student and library card at Paderborn University
From the 2006 summer semester, Paderborn University students will no longer need to apply for a library card at the University Library (UB): the new student card in cheque card format and with a photo is also a semester ticket and library card.
The card is valid for one semester. The ID card is issued by the Information Technology Services of the Administration (ItD) department on the basis of the student data reported to the Student Secretariat. New or updated data relevant to the University Library is entered into the library system by the ItD on a daily basis so that the data is updated daily. This "automatism" means a customer-friendly reduction in administrative work for students, and for the university institutions involved it is a building block for reducing redundant data storage.
Students who do not yet have a library card must have the new card activated once at the University Library (at the checkout in the entrance area of the library). Only then can they use the library, borrow media and work on the University Library's Internet PCs.
Students who already have an old library card do not need to do anything: Their new library card is automatically valid for the University Library (UB).
Important change:
For all communications from the UB to be sent by post, only the address registered with the Student Secretariat will be used from the summer semester onwards. In addition, it is no longer possible to change your e-mail address in your library account. E-mail messages from the University Library will only be sent to the IMT e-mail address if students have an account with the Centre for Information and Media Technologies (IMT).
All students who do not yet have an IMT account with a university e-mail address are kindly asked to have one institutionalised. From the winter semester 2006/07, an IMT account will be mandatory for all students; from then on, all e-mail messages from the University Library to students will be sent exclusively to IMT e-mail addresses.
Power cut on 24 and 25 March in the Business and Economics Library (Level 5)
The electricity in the Business and Economics Library will be switched off on Friday, 24 March and probably also on Saturday, 25 March 2006, as important work has to be carried out on the electrical system.
Due to the lack of lighting, the library will only be accessible until 18.00 on Friday.
Please remember that you can only use your notebook with a battery on these days.
New catalogue: important changes and new functionalities
In the course of updating our library software to Aleph version 16.02, our catalogue has been completely revised. It now offers you the following new functions:
The search options 'Simple search', 'Advanced search' and 'Index search' have basically been retained. However, the following changes have been made:
- In the 'Advanced search' there is the option of a phrase search via the selection 'Exact word sequence'='yes', without the need to use additional labelling of the search terms. The phrase search is deactivated via the system-internal default setting 'no'.
- The filter options 'Publication form' and 'Language' are available in the 'Advanced search'.
- When using the 'Publication form' filter, the following variants are now available: 'Journals and newspapers', 'Multi-volume works' and 'e-books'.
- When using the 'e-books' filter, please note that not all titles listed in the catalogue have been labelled accordingly.
The following changes have been made to the short title list:
- As an alternative to clicking on the consecutive number marked in blue in the left-hand column of the short title list, it is now also possible to switch directly to the full display by clicking on the title.
- To improve the search strategy, the new functionality 'Modify your search' is offered. This can be used, for example, to reduce the number of hits received.
The following changes have been made to the full display:
- In the full display of a title, the main and secondary notations assigned are now also displayed - in response to many requests. The system locations displayed are linked for further searches.
- URLs (EZB, DBIS, publisher link, etc.) are no longer called up via the text link but via the "arrow" icon.
Changes have also been made in the field of volume and item title display:
Piece titles are no longer displayed directly in the full display. Only up to 5 entries are listed for volumes. Otherwise, volume and item titles are displayed in a separate list. This list can be called up either via 'Volume and item title list (create)' or via 'Volumes and item titles (view)'.
The integration of the'Aleph search services' is fundamentally new. The search services can be accessed via the linked entries in the full display. The following options are available:
- For persons, corporate bodies, publishers and subject headings, title lists, index lists and various search engines can be called up via the search service.
- For title or full title links, you can choose to call up an index list or the search engines.
- Title and index lists are offered for the linked system locations.
The'Save/Send' function is not only available from the basket, but also from the short title list and the full display. Selected titles can be saved locally on the PC or on an external data carrier or sent by e-mail.
Further changes have been made to the user account environment:
- In the account information, the author is now also listed in addition to the title and signature when displaying borrowed media and also when displaying media whose loan period could not be extended via the user account.
Integration of the subject classification system for books in the catalogue
- The search in the subject classification system for books offers a thematic search entry point. The 'Subject classification system for books' link in the menu bar displays the table of contents with the individual main subject groups. After clicking on a main subject group, it is broken down to the individual system section. Selecting a system section in the subject classification system for books leads directly to a hit list with titles from the catalogue for which this system section has been assigned. To return from the catalogue results display to the classification pages and select a different system location, please use the browser's 'Back' button.
Updating the library software
The University Library will be updating its library software at the beginning of March. This will result in restrictions in the fields of lending and interlibrary loans from 2 to 13 March 2006:
02.03. (from 18.00) until 05.03.2006:
- The library will be closed and there will be no access to our catalogue and interlibrary loan. Alternatively, you can search our holdings in the union catalogue (limit library to 466 PB: UB) Our catalogue and interlibrary loan for journal articles have been available again since 03.03., 11.00 a.m.!
06.03. to 10.03.2006:
- Borrowing and returning media and extending loan periods are possible as usual.
- No interlibrary loan requests for books can be placed via the interlibrary loan system. Interlibrary loan deliveries (books) received by us cannot be processed and borrowed.
- It is not possible to order, process and provide new media during this time.
- You have access to our catalogue. However, you will not be able to change your password in the catalogue or update your e-mail address during this time.
- We will not be able to issue new library cards.
- We cannot make any changes to your address details.
10.03. (from 18.00) until 13.03.2006:
- The library is closed and there is no access to our catalogue and interlibrary loan. Alternatively, you can search our holdings in the union catalogue (limit library to 466 PB: UB).
Our catalogue and interlibrary loan are available again since 13.03., 16.00!
The Computer Science Branch Library is closed on 03.03. and 13.03.2006.
We expect to be available again as usual from 14 March 2006.
Thank you for your understanding.
Important change when sending e-mail notifications to students:
As part of the introduction of central data storage at Paderborn University, the University Library will take over the student data of the Student Secretariat from 1 March 2006. For students with an account at the Centre for Media and Information Technology (IMT), this means that from this date onwards all e-mail notifications from the University Library will be sent exclusively to the IMT e-mail address.
Students who wish to have their notifications sent to a different address must set up automatic forwarding via their IMT account.
You can access the IMT user administration at: https: //
Students who do not yet have an IMT account are asked to set one up. From the winter semester 2006/07, all students will automatically be assigned an IMT account. From this point onwards, the University Library will send all e-mail messages to students exclusively to their IMT e-mail address.
Information on how to set up an IMT account can be found at:
Exhibition in the University Library from 09.02. to 15.02.2006: Photo gallery: Show yourself - your face decides! Students appeal to the Senate - AKS and AStA open photo exhibition
ZDB-OPAC and the online catalogue Deutsche Bibliothek
On Tuesday, 31.01., access to the ZDB-OPAC and the online catalogue of the German Library will only be possible from 10.00 a.m. due to a server changeover.
The outage will affect searches and orders via the Digital Library as well as searches and orders via the article ordering module of the library account of the online interlibrary loan and re-signing via Medea and the library account.
Monday, 23 January 2006: 9.00 a.m., 10.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m.: Library tours as part of the "Information Day 2006 for Pupils"
Outage of the Digital Library, electronic interlibrary loan, availability query, union catalogue, some databases and the websites of the University Library Centre due to urgent maintenance work
Outage of the digital library, electronic interlibrary loan, availability query, union catalogue, some databases and the websites of the University Library Centre due to urgent maintenance work from 21.01.2006, 13.00 until 22.01.2006, approx. 16.00.
In the past year, the number of servers in the University Library Centre (hbz) has almost doubled. For this reason, the power supply must be adapted to the new conditions. It is therefore necessary to shut down all electronic services of the hbz from 21.01.2006, 13.00 hrs to 22.01.2006, approx. 16.00 hrs. The hbz asks for your understanding.
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