Com­mu­nic­a­tions 2010

Decem­ber 2010

Open­ing and clos­ing times from 24.12.2010 to 03.01.2011

Friday, 24.12.2010 - Sunday, 26.12.2010: closed
Monday, 27.12.2010 - Thursday, 30.12.2010: 9.00 - 18.00 open
Friday, 31.12.2010 - Saturday, 01.01.2011: closed
Sunday, 02.01.2011:       9.00 - 18.00 open

Books from the reference collection can be borrowed from 23.12.2010 to 03.01.2011.

The Computer Science Branch Library (Fürstenallee) will be closed from 24.12.2010 to 02.01.2011.

Our electronic services such as catalogue, loan account, interlibrary loan, DigiBib (personalised access), databases, reference works or electronic full texts via WWW will be available to you on the days of closure or during the closing times.

From 03.01.2011 we will be there for you again during the usual opening hours!

8,000 e-books re­leased by El­sevi­er

As part of a new business model for e-books, Elsevier's entire portfolio of titles up to and including Copyright Year 2010 is now available - a total of around 8,000 titles. In the autumn of next year, a decision will be made on which titles will be permanently included in the University Library's range of electronic full texts, taking into account usage statistics. An automated import of the title data into the catalogue is planned, but cannot be realised until the beginning of next year due to the necessary conversion and preparation of the MARC records provided by the publisher.

Entire title portfolio via DBIS.

Novem­ber 2010

The me­dia hold­ings of the Me­dia Stud­ies sub­ject area were moved to level 3 due to the lack of space on level 1.

You will find the media holdings of the Media Studies subject area on level 3.

The lib­rary will be closed on Monday, 01.11.2010 (All Saints' Day, pub­lic hol­i­day).

Of course, you will have access to our electronic services such as catalogue, loan account, databases, reference works or electronic full texts via WWW on this public holiday.

Oc­to­ber 2010

Pader­born Uni­ver­sity UP­Bra­cing Team ex­hib­its PX 210 ra­cing car in the Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary

Mar­ket of op­por­tun­it­ies

Up­dat­ing the lib­rary soft­ware - Clos­ure of the lib­rary and re­stric­tion of ser­vices from 01 to 04 Oc­to­ber 2010

From 1 to 4 October 2010, the University Library will be updating its library software.

For this reason

  • the University Library will be closed from Friday, 01.10.2010, 12.00 noon to Monday, 04.10.2010, 12.00 noon,
  • The Aleph local system will not be available during the same period.

Restricted services:

The University Library catalogue will not be available during the migration phase. Alternatively, the hbz union catalogue can be used for searches.

Furthermore, it will not be possible to

  • use the functions of your own library/loan account,
  • extend the loan period of borrowed information media,
  • place reservations on borrowed information media,
  • place interlibrary loan requests (for books, journal articles),
  • use the registration function for lecturers for 'electronic seminar apparatus',
  • use the registration function of the Digital Library NRW.

During the migration you will continue to have access to our electronic services such as databases, reference works, electronic journals or electronic full texts via WWW.

We expect to be available again as usual from Monday, 4 October 2010, around 12.00 noon.

We ask for your understanding.

Ju­ly 2010

On Fri­day, 30 Ju­ly 2010, the toi­let fa­cil­it­ies in the lib­rary will be closed from ap­prox. 08:00 to 11:00.

On Friday, 30 July 2010, the drinking water will be turned off in the library (Building BI) from approx. 8.00 am to approx. 11.00 am due to work on the drinking water distribution system.

The sanitary facilities are also affected by this measure and will therefore be closed during the renovation work.

We ask for your understanding for the inconvenience caused by this work.

Work on the air con­di­tion­ing sys­tem on level 5 from 23/07/2010

In order to improve the climatic working conditions in the group study room on level 5, work will be carried out on the air conditioning system from Friday, 23 July.

We ask for your understanding for the disruption caused by this work.

Your University Library.

eCo­py - New ser­vice of the Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary

As a new service, the University Library (UB) has acquired seven innovative overhead scanners from i2s, which can be used to make self-service digital copies in colour, greyscale or black and white and store them on USB sticks.

The innovative scanning technology used works quickly, easily and almost silently. The scanners are operated intuitively via a touchscreen. Digital copies can be made easily thanks to the self-explanatory handling. In addition, when the scanner is idle, a short video running on the touchscreen shows the most important operating steps. It is also possible to check the scan results. The real-time preview on the screen shows even before the scan whether the original is optimally captured by the automatic format recognition.

With this expansion of services, the University Library is responding to students' repeated requests to improve the copying situation in the library.

Overhead scanners are characterised by the fact that they scan the object from above - i.e. from the viewer's perspective. A major advantage of such a solution is the gentle way in which the object is scanned. The book is scanned while open and does not need to be pressed onto a glass surface as with a photocopier. This protects the book spines. In this way, the new service also helps to protect the library's holdings.

Six devices, which are set up on special base cabinets and can be operated standing up, are located in the individual subject libraries of the library. The seventh device is located in the entrance area of the library behind the local circulation desk. This device can be operated from a seated position and is therefore also easy to use for wheelchair users.

The eCopy service will be offered free of charge until further notice.

Dr Dietmar Haubfleisch

Ex­hib­i­tion "Frauen in Natur­wis­senschaft und Tech­nik" from 8 to 21 Ju­ly 2010 in the Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary

Open day on 4 Ju­ly 2010

Book bazaar on 4 and 5 Ju­ly in the Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary

June 2010

AStA Sum­mer Fest­iv­al

Due to the AStA Summer Festival, the library will close at 13.00 on Thursday, 10 June 2010.

New re­lease of the Di­git­al Lib­rary

A new version of the Digital Library will be launched on 7 June 2010: Visually adapted to the design of the Paderborn University Library's website, the Digital Library - Release 6 offers the following new functionalities:

  • Integration of DBIS and EZB: The two reference tools for databases and electronic journals are now also available in the Digital Library so that they can be searched without leaving the Digital Library. Individual hits in DBIS or EZB can also be stored in the Digital Library's watchlist.
  • SFX: The University Library's local link resolver SFX is now integrated into the Digital Library's metasearch. This makes it easy to find out at the click of a mouse whether the desired document is available locally or has to be ordered via interlibrary loan.
  • Accessibility: The new metasearch offers an accessible, modern user interface.

In­ter­lib­rary loan or­ders can now be eas­ily charged to your lib­rary user ac­count!

From 7 June 2010, you will no longer need transaction numbers (TANs) for interlibrary loan requests for books, excerpts from books and journal articles. Billing can now be done via your library user account, which you can access at any time in the Paderborn University Library's web catalogue. The fee of 1.50 euros per order will be automatically entered in your user account after you have successfully placed an order.

If you still have TANs that you have already purchased, you can continue to use them until further notice. In this case, please select the option 'Billing by TAN' instead of 'Billing via the fee account' when placing the interlibrary loan order.

Regulations for university employees: If you are an employee of the university, you can use the new payment option if you wish to be charged via your user account. However, if you prefer to pay for your interlibrary loan orders within the university, this will continue to be done via TANs, which you can obtain as before at the cash desk in the entrance area of the University Library by handing in the corresponding form (purchase of at least 10 TANs).

With the introduction of billing via user account, the University Library is fulfilling a wish often expressed by customers to be able to place interlibrary loan orders via the University Library from any Internet PC and from home without having to purchase a corresponding transaction number in advance at the library checkout.

You can pay the interlibrary loan fees incurred at any time within 4 weeks of placing your order at the University Library's checkout machine. Please note that after a period of 4 weeks any outstanding fees will result in your user account being automatically blocked.

The staff at the Information Centre ( and the Interlibrary Loan Department ( will be happy to answer your questions and provide explanations.

You can find more information on ordering interlibrary loans at: http: //

Ex­hib­i­tion "Bio­grafie - ein Gen­er­a­tion­en­pro­jekt" from 15 June to 6 Ju­ly 2010 at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary

May 2010

Changed open­ing hours in May and June

Saturday, 01.05.2010, closed (public holiday)
Thursday, 13.05.2010, closed (public holiday)
Sunday, 23.05.2010, closed (public holiday)
Monday, 24.05.2010, closed (public holiday)
Thursday, 03.06.2010, closed (public holiday)
Thursday, 10.06.2010, closed from 13.00 (AStA Summer Festival)

Of course, access to electronic services such as the catalogue, loan account, databases, reference works or electronic full texts via WWW is also possible outside the library's opening hours.

April 2010

Girls' Day (also) at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary

Changed open­ing hours at East­er

Good Friday, 02.04.2010, closed
Saturday, 03.04.2010, open from 9.00 to 18.00 hrs
Easter Sunday, 04.04.2010, closed
Easter Monday, 05.04.2010, closed

The Computer Science Branch Library in Fürstenallee will be closed from 02 to 05 April 2010.

Of course you will have access to our electronic services such as catalogue, loan account, databases, reference works or electronic full texts via WWW during Easter.

March 2010

New eS­em­inars

The Paderborn University Library's eSeminar apparatuses have been immensely popular with teachers and students since the beginning of the 2006/2007 winter semester.

Since 15 March 2010, the University Library has been offering the eSeminar Apparatuses service in a revised version on a technically new platform, with a modern, contemporary interface and several new functions[].

Lecturers can now log in with their library card number and the corresponding password and no longer need a special password to manage their seminar apparatuses. Teachers can now define the reading ID for students themselves and change it at any time. It is planned to link the seminar apparatuses with the identity management in the IMT so that students can log in with their IMT ID in future.

The editing functions for lecturers have been fundamentally revised and improved. Entries can now be published on a time-controlled basis. For literature references (excerpts from books, journal articles, contributions from anthologies), you can upload your own material or use the University Library's scanning service for texts that are in the library's collection. Headings for structuring the seminar apparatus can now be formatted in three different sizes to allow more flexible categorisation. An initial overview of the new editing functions is provided in video tutorials[].

The seminar files from previous semesters have been transferred to the new system and archived and can still be viewed with the old access data. The contents of these archived seminar files can be transferred to a new, current seminar file using a revised cloning function.

The integration into the koaLA learning platform is currently being revised and will be available again in koaLA in an improved form at the start of the summer semester.

With the new system, which is an in-house development, the University Library now has a modern and flexible platform at its disposal to quickly implement future requirements and to integrate the eSeminars even better into the university infrastructure to support teaching.

For organisational questions, please contact the staff of the Information Centre ( For technical questions, error messages or requests for new functions, please contact René Sprotte (

'IT and me­dia skills in the aca­dem­ic work pro­cess' - Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary and IMT of­fer ex­er­cise on in­form­a­tion and me­dia skills in the Gen­er­al Stud­ies pro­gramme

Researching, preparing content, creating a presentation - and you don't know how to do it? The University Library and the Centre for Information and Media Technologies are offering an exercise in the summer semester 2010 with the aim of helping you to go through the various phases of the academic work process and build up the necessary media and information skills.

Further information and registration at PAUL.

Spring clean­ing in the lib­rary!

To complete the construction and renovation work for 2009/2010, the library will undergo a "basic cleaning" from 15 March 2010. We ask for your understanding for the disruption caused by the work.

Feb­ru­ary 2010

Ex­hib­i­tion "Der Klang der 1920er Jahre" from 2 to 28 Feb­ru­ary 2010 in the Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary

Janu­ary 2010

In­stall­a­tion of air con­di­tion­ing in the Busi­ness, Eco­nom­ics and So­cial Sci­ences Lib­rary (Level 5)

Due to the installation of an air conditioning system, there will be restrictions on the use of individual workstations in the Business, Economics and Social Sciences Library (Level 5) from Tuesday, 26 January 2010.

Sat­urday, 30.01.2010: Ca­reer pro­file of a lib­rar­i­an. In­form­a­tion event as part of the Pader­born Ca­reer In­form­a­tion Day at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Pader­born Uni­ver­sity UP­Bra­cing Team ex­hib­its PX209 ra­cing car in the Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary

In­stall­a­tion of air con­di­tion­ing in the Busi­ness, Eco­nom­ics and So­cial Sci­ences Lib­rary (Level 5)

From Wednesday, 20 January to Monday, 25 January 2010, the group study room in the Business, Economics and Social Sciences Library (Level 5) will not be available due to the installation of air conditioning

Monday, 25 Janu­ary 2010: Lib­rary tours - Par­ti­cip­a­tion of the Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary in the "In­form­a­tion Day 2010" at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

4.500 Bände beim Büch­erb­as­ar am 19. Janu­ar in der Uni­versitäts­bib­lio­thek