Opening hours from 24.12.2009 to 01.01.2010
Thursday, | 24.12.2009 | - | Sunday, | 27.12.2009: | closed |
Monday, | 28.12.2009 | - | Wednesday, | 30.12.2009: | 9.30 - 18.00 open |
Thursday, | 31.12.2009 | - | Friday, | 01.01.2010: | Closed |
Books from the reference collection can be borrowed from 23.12.2009 to 04.01.2010.
The Computer Science Branch Library (Fürstenallee) will be closed from 24.12.2009 to 03.01.2010.
Our electronic services such as catalogue, loan account, interlibrary loan, DigiBib (personalised access), databases, reference works or electronic full texts via WWW will be available to you on the closing days or during the closing times.
From 02.01.2010 we will be available for you again during the usual opening hours!
Exhibition "blick über den postkartenrand - von der schwierigkeit venedig zu fotografieren" from 25 November 2009 to 3 January 2010
The library will be closed on Sunday, 1 November 2009 (All Saints' Day).
Of course, you will have access to our electronic services such as catalogue, loan account, databases, reference works or electronic full texts via WWW on this public holiday.
On Thursday, 22 October 2009, the University Library will close at 20:00 due to the snooping party.
We regret that we have only now learnt about the event and therefore had no opportunity to inform you earlier about the unavoidable service restriction.
The library will be closed on Saturday, 3 October 2009 (German Unity Day).
Of course, you will have access to our electronic services such as catalogue, loan account, databases, reference works or electronic full texts via WWW on this public holiday.
BIX ranking: Paderborn University Library and Paderborn City Library in top positions in Germany and NRW
Libraries have the task of ensuring the supply of information for education and further education, study, science and research and providing free access to information for all citizens of the country.
Paderborn has an excellent library infrastructure. This is also shown by the current BIX: both Paderborn University Library and Paderborn City Library are among the 10 best libraries in their category nationwide.
Among the participating public libraries in cities with over 100,000 inhabitants, Paderborn City Library came 6th overall. Paderborn University Library achieved 9th place in the group of libraries with single-tier library systems out of 35 comparable libraries. In the NRW state comparison, the University Library took 3rd place and the City Library 1st place.
BIX - the library index brings together key figures from 257 German and Austrian libraries in a joint data index - similar to its famous namesake, the German DAX share index. 177 municipal and 80 university libraries in eight size categories provide their data for the ranking of the German Library Association (dbv). By comparing their performance, libraries learn to better assess their strengths and weaknesses and receive suggestions for improving quality.
The good performance of the two libraries is, among other things, the result of the consistent orientation of their offers and services to the needs and requirements of their customers. Excellent opening hours and the fact that the use and borrowing of books is free of charge in both libraries increase their attractiveness.
Compared to the size of the city, the city library has a relatively small media stock (1 medium per inhabitant) and is therefore below average. However, this stock is extremely up-to-date and customer-orientated. The number of loans in relation to the total stock is impressive. On average, each of the approx. 145,000 items in the Paderborn City Library was borrowed 6.1 times.
The University Library's primary task is to provide the approximately 15,000 members of the University of Paderborn with academic literature and information. However, its doors are not only open to students and academics: Interested parties from the city and region of Paderborn can also use the library at any time. Last year, around 3,600 'external' customers borrowed media from the University Library's collection. In total, the University Library registered around 1.2 million library visits in 2008, with an average of more than 4,200 visitors per day and even over 7,000 on some days of the week. Almost 2 million items were borrowed.
The latest BIX results show that Paderborn attaches great importance to the ongoing qualification of library staff: Here, the university library achieves the highest value of all North Rhine-Westphalian university libraries with 2.9 days per employee. The City Library has the highest training rate per employee in the whole of Germany.
However, the comparison also shows where resources are too limited or important framework conditions are not right. One of Paderborn's problems is its small public area - both the university library and the municipal library have a lot of catching up to do here.
Exhibition "Inspiration Buch - eine künstlerische Mind-Map" from 8 to 28 June 2009 in the Paderborn University Library
Changed opening hours in May and June
Friday, | 01.05.2009, | closed (public holiday) |
Thursday, | 21.05.2009, | closed (public holiday) |
Sunday, | 31.05.2009, | closed (public holiday) |
Monday, | 01.06.2009, | closed (public holiday) |
Thursday, | 11.06.2009, | closed (public holiday) |
Thursday, | 04.06.2009, | closed from 14.00 (AStA summer festival) |
Of course, access to electronic services such as the catalogue, loan account, databases, reference works or electronic full texts via WWW is also possible outside the library's opening hours.
Exhibition "Biografie - ein Generationenprojekt" from 21 April to 11 May 2009 at Paderborn University Library
Changed opening hours at Easter
Good Friday, | 10.04.2009, | closed |
Saturday, | 11.04.2009, | open from 9.00 to 18.00 hrs |
Easter Sunday, | 12.04.2009, | closed |
Easter Monday, | 13.04.2009, | closed |
The Computer Science Branch Library in Fürstenallee will be closed from 10 to 13 April 2009.
Of course you will have access to our electronic services such as catalogue, loan account, databases, reference works or electronic full texts via WWW on Easter Monday.
JSTOR journal archive
Paderborn University Library is now offering access to over 1,000 journals from the journal archive JSTOR ("Journal Storage"). It contains the full texts of electronic, partially retro-digitised journals, some of which date back to the 19th century.
The most recent volumes are not accessible in JSTOR; journals are recorded from their first volume up to a "moving wall" (2 - 5 years before the current volume, depending on the title). The University Library has acquired the licence for the collections "Arts & Sciences I" to "Arts & Sciences VI" as well as for "Arts & Sciences Complement".
Online access to the journals is provided as part of a national consortium with financial support from the German Research Foundation (DFG), which has covered the initial costs. The annual subscription costs are borne by the University Library.
New e-books from the publishers de Gruyter and Elsevier, WISO with e-books
The University Library has newly licensed around 170 e-books from the publisher de Gruyter on humanities and natural sciences topics and four e-book packages from the publisher Elsevier - a total of around 140 titles published in 2009 - from the departments of engineering and natural sciences. The e-books are available with unlimited access in the university network. The titles are listed in the Paderborn University Library catalogue after publication.
The economics database "wiso wirtschaftswissenschaften", to which the University Library subscribes, now also offers access to books in full text. It currently contains around 300 publications from Rudolf-Haufe-Verlag, Rainer-Hampp-Verlag, Deutscher Fachverlag and GABAL-Verlag.
400 UTB textbooks in the online test
As part of a market test by the UTB publishing group, around 400 textbooks will be available online on the LIBREKA platform by the end of March.
Unlike the eBooks purchased by the University Library to date (cf. the overview by publisher on the website, UTB's licence model unfortunately does not provide for a download/print option.
The decision on a licence will depend on the price offered and the UB's budget situation, but also on your feedback. Please send your experiences and your assessment to
Library PressDisplay - Read international daily newspapers online
The University Library has acquired a licence for the Library PressDisplay database. This provides access to over 800 German-language and international newspapers from 80 countries in 40 languages, e.g. the German newspapers Der Tagesspiegel, Die Welt, Handelsblatt, Rheinische Post, Rheinischer Merkur as well as the international newspapers Le Figaro, The Guardian, The Herald, Wallstreet Journal, Washington Post, Izvestia, La Stampa, Corriere della Sera, La Vanguardia, Wall Street Journal Europe, Liberation, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, New York Post and The Daily Telegraph.
Library PressDisplay provides online access to the newspapers on the day of publication, often even before the printed edition appears. It contains the issues of the last 90 days.
The articles are displayed in their original format. Library PressDisplay offers highly developed features, e.g. interactive tables of contents, complete graphics and text views, translations of foreign languages, cross-title search, direct blogging and setting of RSS feeds, bookmarks, advanced search, printing of articles and newspaper pages; articles from individual daily newspapers can also be listened to via Windows Media Player (Newspaper Radio).
Monday, 26 January 2009: Library tours - Participation of the University Library in the "Information Day 2009" at Paderborn University
Saturday, 24.01.2009: Career profile of a librarian. Information event as part of the Paderborn Career Information Day at Paderborn University
Exhibition "Homo Sapiens - Der Mensch zum Menschen" from 13 January to 3 February 2009 at Paderborn University Library
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