Com­mu­nic­a­tions 2024

Decem­ber 2024

Clos­ure of the lib­rary from 24.12.2024 to 01.01.2025

The University Library will be closed from 24.12.2024 to 01.01.2025.

From 2 January 2025, we will be open again during regular opening hours.

Books for short-term loan can be borrowed from 20 December 2024 to 8 January 2025.

Of course, you will have access to our electronic services such as the catalogue, library account, databases and electronic full texts via WWW during the closing times.

Novem­ber 2024

PIN for bor­row­ing

As part of the introduction of the electronic library card and the digital student ID card as part of the UPB app, the University Library is introducing a personal PIN.

This will be required from 2 December 2024 in order to borrow media via the self-checkout devices. You can set, view and change the PIN yourself in your library account. It serves as additional protection for your library account against unauthorised use.

You can find more information on institution and use in the catalogue blog.

19 Nov - 15 Dec 2024: "Feld­wege zum Com­ing-out". Ex­hib­i­tion on LGB­TIQ* in rur­al areas

As part of the annual Coming Out Days, the Central Equal Opportunities Officer, together with the Diversity Officer and the AStA, presents the exhibition "Feldwege zum Coming-out" on the entrance level of the University Library.

The exhibition portrays ten LGBTIQ* people from rural areas. QR codes on the roll-up banners lead to an audio file in which each person portrayed talks about their coming out and their experiences as a queer person in rural areas.

The travelling exhibition "Feldwege zum Coming-out" was initiated by the state specialist office blick* and the Demokratiebüro - Vielfalt lieben des Kreis Paderborn. The exhibition will be opened as part of the day of action on the occasion of Coming Out Days on 19 November at 16:00 with a 90-minute live talk followed by a Q&A with the initiators of the exhibition. Interested parties can then visit the exhibition until 15 December during the library's regular opening hours (Monday to Friday: 7:30 am to midnight, Saturday to Sunday: 9:00 am to 8:30 pm; closed on public holidays).

Contact: Laura Maring, Diversity Officer

> Exhibition poster

Cata­logue with new func­tion: Proxy user

The University Library is now making the "Proxy user" function available in the catalogue. This allows library users to authorise others to borrow media in their name and on their account.

This function is intended in particular for university lecturers who wish to authorise their student assistants to borrow media, but is generally available to all library users.

Further information on the institution and use of this function can be found in the catalogue blog.

Ten new scan­ners in the user area

After almost seven years and nearly 10,000,000 scans, the University Library has replaced its old devices with ten new "Bookeye 5 V3 Kiosk" book scanners and is now making them available to its users.

In addition to saving the digital copies on standard output media, such as USB sticks or sending them by email to your own email address, it is now also possible to download the scans using a QR code so that no additional software needs to be installed on the end device.

Changed open­ing hours on 01.11.2024 (All Saints' Day)

The University Library will be closed on Friday, 01.11.2024 (All Saints' Day).

Of course, you will have access to our electronic services such as the catalogue, library account, databases and electronic full texts via WWW on this public holiday.

Oc­to­ber 2024

Stu­dent writ­ing coun­selling

The student writing advice service from the Competence Centre for Writing provides advice on academic writing and papers at the library's Information Centre on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1:00 to 2:00 pm during the winter semester.

Brain breaks and "mind­ful breaks"

The student health management team, my is once again offering "Brain Breaks" in the library this winter semester.

In addition to the usual dates on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14:00 to 16:00, students can now also take a 'little moving' break on Wednesdays from 14:00 to 16:00 in room BI 1.111 (entrance level of the library) together with other students or under guidance.

A new addition to the library's training programme is the "Mindful Break". Through an extended cooperation with the Student Health Management, various methods are presented in a workshop that enable a restful and relaxed break for yourself. Various breathing and relaxation techniques will be demonstrated, including the body scan.

Registration takes place via the training portal of the library to register.

Re­vised data­base in­form­a­tion sys­tem DBIS

The Database Information System DBIS is a web service that lists scientific databases. Under the leadership of Regensburg University Library, it is maintained in cooperation with the (inter)national library system (over 370 participating institutions). Paderborn University Library has been a member of the DBIS network since summer 2024 - i.e. for 20 years now.

DBIS lists more than 13,500 databases, including freely accessible databases and databases licensed by libraries such as Paderborn University Library for their university. It enables a quick, needs-based selection for scientific questions, e.g. according to subject-specific criteria.

DBIS has been shining in a new design since 15 October 2024. The previous layout and user interface have been completely redesigned to make it more modern and intuitive to use. In addition, it is no longer only available in German, but now also in English.

Lib­rary card for all stu­dents now also in the UPB app

The library recommends that all students use the e-library card to access the library and its services. The library card is now also available to students in the UPB app.

Students who have not yet used the library must activate their library card once. Activation takes place online and is also possible for students by entering their matriculation number.

Further details can be found in the catalogue blog.

Third Open Ac­cess Talk - An ex­change as part of the OA Week

On 23 October 2024 from 13:00 to 14:00, the "Open Access Talk" will take place for the third time, this time with the thematic focus on "Quality assurance in the OA publication process: from peer review to predatory journals". The event will take place via Zoom will take place.

After hearing reports from the faculties at the first two talks, this time Dr Klaus Rummler (PH Zurich) and Prof Dr Christian Fuchs (UPB) will be our guests. In an open discussion round, they will report on their experiences with open access publishing and discuss how to deal with quality assurance in OA publishing.

The event is suitable for researchers at all career levels, from doctoral candidates to professors, regardless of whether they have already gained experience with open access or whether they simply want to learn more about it.

The Open Access Talk, which will take place on 23 October as part of the international OA Week is organised by the OASE project ("Open Access - Systematic Development of an Open Access Culture at the University - a Development-Oriented Empirical Case Study").

The project, funded by the BMBF and led by Professor Dr Dorothee M. Meister (Media Education and Empirical Media Research) in cooperation with the Managing Director of Paderborn University Library, Dr Dietmar Haubfleisch, and the CIO and Head of the Centre for Information and Media Technologies (ZIM), Professor Dr Gudrun Oevel. Gudrun Oevel, the aim of the project is to impart knowledge on the topic of open access publishing to academics by testing new information and communication formats, among other things, and thus to support the development of an open access culture at Paderborn University.

The knowledge gained from the project will also be used to raise awareness of the extensive OA services already offered by the University Library and to expand them in line with demand.

It is not necessary to register for the event. Further information on the OASE project and event can be found on the project pages.

The OASE project team is looking forward to welcoming you and to stimulating discussions!

Changed open­ing hours on 03.10.2024 (Day of Ger­man Unity)

The University Library will be closed on Thursday, 03.10.2024 (Day of German Unity).

Of course, you will have access to our electronic services such as catalog, library account, databases and electronic full texts via WWW on this holiday.

E-lib­rary card

Recently, the University Library has also made the library card available to its users in the catalogue in electronic form as an e-library card.

This means that the library card is always to hand on a smartphone or other mobile device. The e-library card can be used in the library at all self-checkout machines, at the checkout machines or at the local circulation desk in the same way as the conventional library card in card format. It is available to all library users.

To display the e-library card, first log in to the catalogue. If you click on the menu with your name, you will find the new entry "My e-library card" under the familiar item "My library account".

Further details can be found in the catalogue blog.

Stu­dent card / lib­rary card

The library recommends that all students use the e-library card (see above) to use the library and its services.

Students who have not yet used the library must activate their library card once. Activation takes place online and is also possible for students by entering their matriculation number.

Further details can be found in the catalogue blog.


The university is making a UPB app available at the start of the 2024/25 winter semester. The plan was to integrate a digital library card into this app along with a digital student ID card.

However, as the new digital student ID card (or the alternative paper version for self-printing, which can be downloaded via the ZIM service portal) no longer contains a UB barcode, it can no longer be used as a library card. Unfortunately, the digital library card as part of the UPB app is not yet available at the start of the winter semester.

Students who were already enrolled at the university in the summer semester can continue to use their combined student/library card from the summer semester 2024 as a library card for a transitional period.

Lib­Key Nomad

By licensing the LibKey product, users of the University Library have the opportunity to use LibKey Nomad.

The LibKey Nomad browser extension makes it easy to download licensed full texts or open access publications from websites such as academic research portals, publishing sites or information sites such as Wikipedia.

LibKey Nomad searches for DOIs (for articles) or eISBNs (for eBooks) on these pages, automatically compares them with licence information from Paderborn University Library and displays a direct download link. If the title is not licensed by Paderborn University Library or is open access, alternatives are displayed.

LibKey Nomad is available for all common browsers and must be installed once. After installation in your browser, you must select "Paderborn University Library" in the "Select Organisation" step in Nomad.

LibKey Nomad only determines the links to the full texts. In order to be able to access these, you must be connected to the campus network as usual, or have dialled in via VPN, or authenticate yourself via Shibboleth if necessary.

Further information on this topic can be found in the catalogue blog.

New courses in the winter semester 2024/25

The range of courses offered by the University Library has been expanded for the winter semester 2024/25 and covers a wide range of topics: Orientation in the library, searching for literature, managing literature, evaluating literature, publishing. A large part of the courses take place on site, some courses are offered online.

You can find the current range of courses on the"Courses, introductions, lectures" page.

Au­gust 2024

New in the cata­logue: Lib­Key - with few­er clicks to the full text

With the newly licensed product LibKey, Paderborn University Library is improving access to the full texts of electronic journal articles.

A literature search can be carried out, for example, via the University Library catalogue, via free subject databases or subject databases licensed by the University Library and via academic search engines. To access the full text (PDF), the University Library provides a so-called link resolver, which is connected to these services. This uses source information and a database with licence information to determine the link to the full text so that it can be downloaded.

As part of the LibKey integration, the presentation of full-text access in the catalogue has been revised and supplemented with LibKey functions. The display is more compact overall and is located further up on the detail pages and is identical to the display in the hit lists.

Although LibKey is activated "globally" in the catalogue, more LibKey links will appear in the "Central Discovery Index" search area than in the "Catalogue" search area, as the focus of LibKey is currently on electronic journal articles.

LibKey supplements the existing link resolver at Paderborn University Library and does not replace it. However, if LibKey provides a link to a full text, this link is displayed first and is labelled "Full text access via LibKey". Click on "Search entire journal" to access BrowZine, a virtual journal shelf from the LibKey product family.

After clicking on "Full text access via LibKey", a LibKey loading page opens. The PDF is loaded in the background and then displayed. If the PDF does not appear automatically in the browser, it can be found under "Downloads" on the PC / smartphone.

Further information on this topic can be found in the catalogue blog.

In­di­vidu­al study rooms - can now also be used for writ­ing a Mas­ter's thes­is or a com­par­able fi­nal thes­is

The 11 individual study rooms in the library can still be used by authorised users of the University Library who are members of Paderborn University, are writing a doctoral dissertation or habilitation thesis and do not have their own workstation at the university.

With immediate effect, the rooms are also available to students writing a Master's thesis or a comparable final thesis.

The use of a room can be applied for - for writing a doctoral dissertation or a habilitation thesis for a maximum duration of 6 months or for writing a Master's thesis or a comparable final thesis for a maximum duration of 3 months - via an application form. Allocation takes place in the order of application.

The terms of use are set out in the regulations for the use of individual study rooms at Paderborn University Library.

Information can be obtained from the staff of the Information Centre and Subject Libraries.

Ju­ly 2024

Writ­ing ad­vice, brain breaks and yoga breaks in the lib­rary dur­ing the semester break

The student writing advice service from the Writing Competence Centre provides advice on academic writing and papers at the library's Information Centre on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 13:00 to 14:00.

The team from my beneFit also supports students during the exam phase with brain breaks and yoga breaks:

  • Brain Breaks are offered every Tuesday and Thursday in August from 14:00 to 16:00. After a short break, Brain Breaks will start again in mid-September for the winter semester 2024/25.
  • Break yoga will take place from 6 August on Tuesdays from 11:30 to 12:15. It is not necessary to register for yoga, but if you would like to take part for the entire duration of the semester break, you are welcome to register via the university sports course offer.

The meeting point for brain breaks and yoga is the entrance area of the library, room BI1.111.

17.07.2024: Second Open Ac­cess Talk: Ex­change of ex­per­i­ence on the top­ic of sci­entif­ic pub­lish­ing in open ac­cess format

On 17 July 2024 from 13:00 to 14:00, the second "Open Access Talk: Exchange of experiences on academic publishing in open access format" will take place on the entrance level of the University Library.

The guests will be Prof. Dr. Bernd Frick from the Chair of Organisational, Media and Sports Economics (WW) and Prof. Dr. Christian Scheideler from the Theory of Distributed Systems (EIM) group, who will report on their many years of experience with open access publishing in an open discussion round.

The event is suitable for researchers at all career stages, from doctoral candidates to professors, regardless of whether they have already gained experience with open access or whether they simply want to learn more about it.

The event is organised by the OASE project ("Open Access - Systematic Development of an Open Access Culture at the University - a development-oriented empirical case study").

The project, funded by the BMBF and led by Professor Dr Dorothee M. Meister (Media Education and Empirical Media Research) in cooperation with the Managing Director of Paderborn University Library, Dr Dietmar Haubfleisch, and the CIO and Head of the Centre for Information and Media Technologies (ZIM), Professor Dr Gudrun Oevel. Gudrun Oevel, the aim of the project is to impart knowledge on the topic of open access publishing to academics by testing new information and communication formats, among other things, and thus to support the development of an open access culture at Paderborn University.

The knowledge gained from the project will also be used to raise awareness of the extensive OA services already offered by the University Library and to expand them in line with demand.

Further information on the event can be found here:

The OASE project team is looking forward to welcoming you and to stimulating discussions!

It is not necessary to register for the event.

June 2024

(Off.)Time from 17 to 21 June 2024. A week of ac­tion by my be­ne­ - also in the Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary

Just put your mobile phones away and try out how this can improve your concentration and the learning atmosphere? The lockers in the entrance area of the library are available to lock away.

More about the campaign week:

Lim­ited ser­vice on 14/06/2024

On Friday, 14 June 2024, the library will only be open with limited service (e.g. on Sundays) due to the university's company outing!
It is not possible to

  • the issue of library cards and of media provided at the counter of the local lending department (e.g. interlibrary loans).
  • the provision of media ordered from the library's stacks.

Changed open­ing hours on 6 June 2024

On Thursday, 6 June 2024, the library will close at 14:00 due to the AStA Summer Festival.

Of course, you will have access to our electronic services such as the catalogue, library account, databases and electronic full texts via WWW during the closing times.

May 2024

Changed open­ing hours in May

The library is closed on the following public holidays:

Wednesday, 01.05.2024 (May Day holiday)
Thursday, 09.05.2024 (Ascension Day)
Thursday, 30.05.2024 (Corpus Christi)

Of course you will have access to our electronic services such as catalogue, library account, databases and electronic full texts via WWW during the closing times.

29.05.2024: First Open Ac­cess Talk: Ex­change of ex­per­i­ence on the top­ic of sci­entif­ic pub­lish­ing in open ac­cess format

On 29 May 2024 from 13:00 to 14:00, the first"Open Access Talk: Exchange of experiences on academic publishing in open access format" will take place on the entrance level of the University Library.

The guests are Professor Dr Doris Tophinke (KW) and Professor Dr Matthias Bauer (NW), who will report on their many years of experience with open access publishing in an open discussion round.

The event is suitable for researchers at all career stages, from doctoral candidates to professors, regardless of whether they have already gained experience with open access or whether they simply want to learn more about it.

The event is organised by the OASE project ("Open Access - Systematic Development of an Open Access Culture at the University - a development-oriented empirical case study").

The project, funded by the BMBF and led by Professor Dr Dorothee M. Meister (Media Education and Empirical Media Research) in cooperation with the Managing Director of Paderborn University Library, Dr Dietmar Haubfleisch, and the CIO and Head of the Centre for Information and Media Technologies (ZIM), Professor Dr Gudrun Oevel. Gudrun Oevel, the aim of the project is to impart knowledge on the topic of open access publishing to academics by testing new information and communication formats, among other things, and thus to support the development of an open access culture at Paderborn University.

The knowledge gained from the project will also be used to raise awareness of the extensive OA services already offered by the University Library and to expand them in line with demand.

Further information on the event can be found here:

The OASE project team is looking forward to welcoming you and to stimulating discussions!

It is not necessary to register for the event.

April 2024

30.04.-12.05.2024: "Glaskörper­flock­en. Über Dinge, die wir nicht se­hen". Ex­hib­i­tion on the top­ic of every­day ra­cism at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary

As part of the annual International Weeks against Racism, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, in cooperation with the ADA Anti-Discrimination Service Centre of the Caritas Association Paderborn e.V., is presenting the exhibition "Glaskörperflocken. Über Dinge, die wir nicht sehen" on the entrance level of the university library.

Vitreous body flakes are the dark dots when looking at the sun that cannot be focussed and remain at the edge of the field of vision. The situation is similar for those not affected by everyday racism. Everyday racism takes place before our eyes, not in the centre of our attention, but on the fringes. Often imperceptible to the untrained eye, but everyday life for those affected. The works in this exhibition aim to focus on experiences of everyday racism. Eleven artists (Maria Aras, Tomás Altamirano, Wolfgang Brenner, Claudia Cremer-R, Julia Hachenberg, Volker Heisener, Michel Ptasinsk, Josefine Reiermann, Mela, Dagmar Venus and Jan Vollmer) have artistically translated the experiences of those affected into pictures.

The exhibition was initiated by Dr Larissa Eikermann, Vice Dean for Sustainability, Equality and Diversity, together with Matthias Zimoch from the ADA Anti-Discrimination Service Centre. It can be visited from 30 April to 12 May 2024 during the library's regular opening hours (Monday to Friday: 7:30 a.m. to midnight, Saturday to Sunday: 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.; closed on public holidays).

Contact: Dr Larissa Eikermann, Dean's Office of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, e-mail:

> Exhibition poster

Changed open­ing hours on 25.04.2024

On Thursday, 25 April 2024, the library will close at 19:00 due to a party in the foyer in front of the library (Studierendenwerk anniversary party).

Of course, you will have access to our electronic services such as the catalogue, library account, databases and electronic full texts via WWW during the closing times.

Brain breaks, break yoga and writ­ing ad­vice are back in the lib­rary in the sum­mer semester

From 16 April 2024, the mein beneFit team will once again be offering brain breaks and break yoga for students from all faculties.

Brain breaks are small units of concentration and playful exercises that students can do - under the guidance of student trainers - between their lectures, seminars or learning units. This offer is available every Tuesday and Thursday from 14:00-16:00. Students decide for themselves how long they want to take part in the brain breaks.

Break yoga takes place on Tuesdays from 13:00-13:30 and 13:30-14:00, please arrive on time. Yoga mats are provided and no previous experience is necessary.

What is new is that both sessions now take place in room BI1.111, opposite the automatic return machine on the entrance level.

The student writing advice service from the Writing Competence Centre provides advice on academic writing and papers at the library's Information Centre on Wednesdays from 13:00-14:00 and Thursdays from 14:00-15:00.

Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend, registration is not necessary.

10.-11.04.2024: 19th Book Bazaar of the Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary

Browse through the book bazaar!

The library is parting with older, no longer needed literature from almost all departments.

The prices are 1.00 Euro for paperbacks and 2.00 Euro for bound volumes. If you buy 5 books, you will receive a free book.

The proceeds of the book bazaar will be used for the acquisition of new information media.

Please note that the book bazaar is aimed at members of the university and interested members of the public, not at resellers. The sale is limited to a maximum of 50 volumes per person.

Only cash payment is possible at the book bazaar.

You will find the bazaar on 10 and 11 April 2024 from 09:00 to 13:00 in the entrance area of the library (room BI1.111, opposite the return machine).

March 2024

Changed open­ing hours at East­er

Good Friday,


closed on



open from 9:00 to 20:30

Easter Sunday,



Easter Monday,



Of course you can access our electronic services such as catalogue, library account, databases and electronic full texts via WWW during the closing times.

Courses in the sum­mer semester 2024

In the summer semester 2024, the University Library will be offering its tried-and-tested range of courses both in person and online. You can find the current range of courses on our training website.

On­line ac­tiv­a­tion of new lib­rary cards

Previously, a personal visit to the library was required to activate a new library card. From now on, new library cards will be activated online: All new users now go through a standardised online activation process, which can be carried out conveniently on a PC or smartphone.

During the new online activation process, the library password is set by the users themselves. This increases password security compared to the previous procedure.

Further details can be found in the catalogue blog.

New ac­quis­i­tion lists

The catalogue allows the search results to be sorted by "New acquisitions". The titles found are sorted chronologically in descending order according to their acquisition date. This sorting can be combined with the familiar search and filter criteria at any time. For example, subject-specific lists of print holdings can be created for selected publication periods. These can then be saved via "Share search" or "Search as RSS feed".

In addition to this function, which has been available in the catalogue for some time, we have now added a list of subject-specific search entries on the catalogue homepage, which can be used as a starting point for individual lists.

Further details can be found in the catalogue blog.

New ac­quis­i­tion shelf

We present a selection of newly acquired printed literature on a shelf on the entrance level. The selected volumes are usually on the new acquisitions shelf for 14 days. If required, they can be borrowed or reserved during the service hours of the local lending department Monday to Friday from 7.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the desk of the local lending department at the usual lending conditions.

Tem­por­ary in­ter­rup­tions to the uni­ver­sity's in­ter­net con­nec­tion on 15.03.2024

On Friday, 15 March 2024, there will be temporary interruptions to the internet connection from 15:00 due to maintenance work on the university's external network connection.

In the University Library, the self-checkout terminals, the return machine, the checkout machines and the internet registration at the research PCs may be temporarily disrupted.

In the event of a disruption to borrowing and returning media before 19:00, please contact the local circulation desk.

Thank you for your understanding.

04.-07.03.2024: "Writ­ing Days" in the Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary

From Monday, 4 March to Thursday, 7 March, from 9:15 to 17:00, the "Writing Days" will take place for the second time. The event is organised by the Competence Centre for Writing and the University Library, together with other institutions of the university.

Students and doctoral candidates from all faculties are invited to spend four days in the library working intensively on their writing projects. They will be supported with advice on writing and literature searches as well as short workshops. Joint exercise breaks with yoga or brain breaks offer a pleasant interruption and the conversation during the coffee break in building Q0.101 may motivate you with new writing impulses.

Registration is possible from 5 February via the library's booking system for training courses. If you don't have time on all days, you can also register for certain days only. Of course, we are also happy for you to register for the entire period, in which case please complete the registration form for each day of the event.

You can find information on the programme and important information on the procedure on the pages of the Competence Centre for Writing.

The "Writing Days" are organised by the Competence Centre for Writing and the University Library, together with other institutions of the University, such as ProLernen, the Centre for Spelling Competence, the Graduate Centre of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and University Sports.

Feb­ru­ary 2024

"Elec­tron­ic dir­ect de­liv­ery of cop­ies to end users as part of in­ter­lib­rary loan". New ser­vice launches

From 1 February, articles and excerpts from books ordered via interlibrary loan from other libraries will generally be delivered electronically (and no longer have to be collected from the library as a paper printout as before).

Ordering users will receive a notification e-mail with a download link. They then have a time window of 30 days in which they can download the essay or extract from a book via this link; after this time, the PDF is deleted from the server.

However, there are also exceptions to electronic delivery:

  • licence law reasons (in the case of delivery from an electronic journal) do not permit electronic delivery,
  • the supplying library does not participate in the electronic delivery system or
  • it is an article delivery from a foreign library via international interlibrary loan.

In such a case, a paper copy will be made, which must be collected from the University Library at the desk of the Local Loans Department upon presentation of the library card. Users will be informed of this by e-mail.

The new service is made possible by a procedure developed jointly by the collecting societies and library associations, for which - in addition to the interlibrary loan fee - a royalty must be paid to VG Wort.

The royalty costs for orders placed by users of Paderborn University Library are covered by the University Library. The interlibrary loan fee of 1.50 euros is to be paid by the users as before.

Writ­ing ad­vice, brain breaks and yoga breaks in the lib­rary dur­ing the semester break

The student writing advice service from the Writing Competence Centre provides advice on academic writing and papers at the library's Information Centre on Thursdays from 2:00 to 3:00 pm and - new from now on - on Wednesdays from 1:00 to 2:00 pm.

The team from my beneFit also supports students during the exam phase with brain breaks and break yoga. Brain breaks are now offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., while yoga will take place on Tuesdays from 8:00 to 8:45 a.m. from 13 February. The meeting point for Brain Breaks and Yoga is the passage from Level 4 to Library Level 2 in Building I. Registration is not required.