Events 2009

21.12.2009 - Book present­a­tion "Char­le­magne and the man on the hun­dred-mark note. Ma­nu­scripts and prints on early Ger­man from the Arch­bish­op's Aca­dem­ic Lib­rary of Pader­born" by the ed­it­or Klaus Siew­ert

On 21 December 2009, Klaus Siewert presented the book "Charlemagne and the Man on the Hundred Mark Note", published in conjunction with Herman-Josef Schmalor, in the foyer of the University Library.

The book presents manuscripts and prints from the Archbishop's Academic Library, which were presented in an exhibition organised by Klaus Siewert and his students at Paderborn University Library in October 2007. The selected manuscripts and prints show early forms of our modern German over a period of a millennium.

08.12.2009 - Citavi In­form­a­tion Day at the Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary

For over a year now, Paderborn University Library has been offering all students and staff at Paderborn University the free use of Citavi, a system for literature management and knowledge organisation, as part of a campus licence.

Citavi provides didactically competent support for literature research as well as the effective indexing and integration of research results in academic work. In addition, Citavi enables effective task planning, from the recording of upcoming tasks with details of deadlines, importance and work status to the creation of task lists.

Get to know Citavi on Tuesday, 08.12.2009!

We offer:

Seminar for beginners: 14.00 - 16.00 in lecture theatre D2 (no registration required)
We are giving away USB sticks with the Citavi Free version to all participants of this event!

Advanced seminar: 09.00 - 11.00 in the Notebook Café in the library (BI 1.111)
(with registration by 1 December 2009, by e-mail: or by telephone on 05251/60-2017)

Citavi information stand: 10.30 - 14.00 in the university foyer

Mr Peter Meurer from Zurich, one of the Citavi developers, will be available as your contact person on this day.

14.10.2009 - The Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary will be present with a stand at the "Mar­ket of Op­por­tun­it­ies" in the main en­trance area of the Uni­ver­sity (near the Ser­vice Centre) on Wed­nes­day, 14 Oc­to­ber 2009, from 10:00 to 14:00.

All first-year students are cordially invited to come and find out more. No one should miss out on this: getting to know in the first week what some older students haven't even realised yet ...

26.08.2009 - Lib­rary tour for mem­bers of the Chapter of the Or­der (Or­der without a name for a good name)

Dr. Ulrike Hesse will give a short presentation on the University Library at an information event for the Chapter of the Order (Order without a name for a good name), following an invitation from this year's recipient of the Order, Professor Dr. Nikolaus Risch. Some rare books from the library's holdings as well as the "smallest" and the "largest" book will also be on display.

23.04.2009 - Girls' Day (also) at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary

This year's "Girls' Day - Girls' Future Day", organised by the Equal Opportunities Office of the City of Paderborn, will take place on 23.04.2009.

On this day, Paderborn University's varied programme offers girls the opportunity to get to know scientific and engineering professions and degree courses at the university.

The University Library is taking part in this event and will be offering two internships from 9.15 to 11.45 a.m. in the profession of "Media and Information Services Specialist, specialising in the library".

Paderborn University programme:

26.01.2009 - Lib­rary tours - Par­ti­cip­a­tion of the Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary in the "In­form­a­tion Day 2009" at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Dates: 09.00 am, 11.00 am and 2.00 pm
Meeting point: Foyer of the University Library
Duration: Approx. one hour

Further information on the "Information Day 2009", which aims to give pupils from the region an insight into the study opportunities and study conditions at Paderborn University: http: //

24.01.2009 - Ca­reer pro­file of a lib­rar­i­an. In­form­a­tion event as part of the Pader­born Ca­reer In­form­a­tion Day at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

The three Rotary Clubs from Paderborn, in cooperation with the Federal Employment Agency, invite you to this year's Paderborn Career Information Day on 24 January 2009 from 11.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. at Paderborn University. In individual events, pupils will be given the opportunity to gain an insight into various professions on campus. Paderborn University Library will be taking part in the event as part of the presentation of careers in the book trade/publishing/library.

Venue: Paderborn University, Building J, Floor 2, Room J2.130
Speakers: Heike Fuest (Head of Training at Paderborn University Library), Thilo Fuhrmann (Managing Director of Bonifatius Buchhandlung), Antonius Linnemann (Owner of Buchhandlung Linnemann - Mehr als Bücher), Dr Reinhard Martini (Publisher Junfermann-Verlag).