Events 2024

12.11.2024: Wel­come event for new em­ploy­ees of the uni­ver­sity

The University Library presents its range of services for new employees at the University as part of the "Info Market" at the welcome event.

23.10.2024: Third Open Ac­cess Talk: An ex­change as part of the Open Ac­cess Week

On 23 October 2024 from 13:00 to 14:00, the "Open Access Talk" will take place for the third time, this time virtually via Zoom and with the thematic focus on "Quality assurance in the OA publication process: from peer review to predatory journals".

The guests are Dr Klaus Rummler (PH Zurich) and Prof Dr Christian Fuchs (Inst. f. Media Studies at Paderborn University). In an open discussion round, they will report on their experiences with open access publishing and discuss how to deal with quality assurance in OA publishing.

The event is suitable for researchers at all career levels, from doctoral candidates to professors, regardless of whether they have already gained experience with open access or whether they simply want to learn more about it.

The Open Access Talk, which will take place on 23 October as part of the international OA Week, is being organised by the OASE project ("Open Access - Systematic Development of an Open Access Culture at the University - a Development-Oriented Empirical Case Study").

The project, funded by the BMBF and led by Professor Dr Dorothee M. Meister (Media Education and Empirical Media Research) in cooperation with the Managing Director of Paderborn University Library, Dr Dietmar Haubfleisch, and the CIO and Head of the Centre for Information and Media Technologies (ZIM), Professor Dr Gudrun Oevel. Gudrun Oevel, the aim of the project is to impart knowledge on the topic of open access publishing to academics by testing new information and communication formats, among other things, and thus to support the development of an open access culture at Paderborn University.

The knowledge gained from the project will also be used to raise awareness of the extensive OA services already offered by the University Library and to expand them in line with demand.

It is not necessary to register for the event. Further information on the OASE project and the event can be found here:

The OASE project team is looking forward to welcoming numerous participants and stimulating discussions. It is not necessary to register for the event.

17.07.2024: Second Open Ac­cess Talk: Ex­change of ex­per­i­ence on the top­ic of sci­entif­ic pub­lish­ing in open ac­cess format

On 17 July 2024 from 13:00 to 14:00, the second "Open Access Talk: Exchange of experiences on academic publishing in open access format" will take place on the entrance level of the University Library.

The guests will be Prof. Dr. Bernd Frick from the Chair of Organisational, Media and Sports Economics (WW) and Prof. Dr. Christian Scheideler from the Theory of Distributed Systems (EIM) group, who will report on their many years of experience with open access publishing in an open discussion round.

The event is suitable for researchers at all career stages, from doctoral candidates to professors, regardless of whether they have already gained experience with open access or whether they simply want to learn more about it.

The event is organised by the OASE project ("Open Access - Systematic Development of an Open Access Culture at the University - a development-oriented empirical case study").

The project, funded by the BMBF and led by Professor Dr Dorothee M. Meister (Media Education and Empirical Media Research) in cooperation with the Managing Director of Paderborn University Library, Dr Dietmar Haubfleisch, and the CIO and Head of the Centre for Information and Media Technologies (ZIM), Professor Dr Gudrun Oevel. Gudrun Oevel, the aim of the project is to impart knowledge on the topic of open access publishing to academics by testing new information and communication formats, among other things, and thus to support the development of an open access culture at Paderborn University.

The knowledge gained from the project will also be used to raise awareness of the extensive OA services already offered by the University Library and to expand them in line with demand.

Further information on the event can be found here:

The OASE project team is looking forward to welcoming you and to stimulating discussions!

It is not necessary to register for the event.

29.05.2024: First Open Ac­cess Talk: Ex­change of ex­per­i­ence on the top­ic of sci­entif­ic pub­lish­ing in open ac­cess format

On 29 May 2024 from 13:00 to 14:00, the first"Open Access Talk: Exchange of experiences on academic publishing in open access format" will take place on the entrance level of the University Library.

The guests are Professor Dr Doris Tophinke (KW) and Professor Dr Matthias Bauer (NW), who will report on their many years of experience with open access publishing in an open discussion round.

The event is suitable for researchers at all career stages, from doctoral candidates to professors, regardless of whether they have already gained experience with open access or whether they simply want to learn more about it.

The event is organised by the OASE project ("Open Access - Systematic Development of an Open Access Culture at the University - a development-oriented empirical case study").

The project, funded by the BMBF and led by Professor Dr Dorothee M. Meister (Media Education and Empirical Media Research) in cooperation with the Managing Director of Paderborn University Library, Dr Dietmar Haubfleisch, and the CIO and Head of the Centre for Information and Media Technologies (ZIM), Professor Dr Gudrun Oevel. Gudrun Oevel, the aim of the project is to impart knowledge on the topic of open access publishing to academics by testing new information and communication formats, among other things, and thus to support the development of an open access culture at Paderborn University.

The knowledge gained from the project will also be used to raise awareness of the extensive OA services already offered by the University Library and to expand them in line with demand.

Further information on the event can be found here:

The OASE project team is looking forward to welcoming you and to stimulating discussions!

It is not necessary to register for the event.

13.05.2024: Wel­come event for new em­ploy­ees of the uni­ver­sity

The University Library presents its range of services for new employees at the University as part of the "Info Market" at the welcome event.

25.04.2024: "Boys' Day"

On Boys' Day, pupils gain an insight into social, cultural and artistic study programmes at Paderborn University and learn about professional fields in which men are less frequently represented. The University Library presents the profession of "Media and Information Services Specialist, specialising in the library".

10.-11.04.2024: 19th Book Bazaar of the Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary

Browse through the book bazaar!

The library is parting with older, no longer needed literature from almost all departments.

The prices are 1.00 Euro for paperbacks and 2.00 Euro for bound volumes. If you buy 5 books, you will receive a free book.

The proceeds of the book bazaar will be used for the acquisition of new information media.

Please note that the book bazaar is aimed at members of the university and interested members of the public, not at resellers. The sale is limited to a maximum of 50 volumes per person.

Only cash payment is possible at the book bazaar.

You will find the bazaar on 10 and 11 April 2024 from 09:00 to 13:00 in the entrance area of the library (room BI1.111, opposite the return machine).

04.-07.03.2024: "Writ­ing Days" in the Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary

From Monday, 4 March to Thursday, 7 March, from 9:15 to 17:00, the "Writing Days" will take place for the second time. The event is organised by the Competence Centre for Writing and the University Library, together with other institutions of the university.

Students and doctoral candidates from all faculties are invited to spend four days in the library working intensively on their writing projects. They will be supported with advice on writing and literature searches as well as short workshops. Joint exercise breaks with yoga or brain breaks offer a pleasant interruption and the conversation during the coffee break in building Q0.101 may motivate you with new writing impulses.

Registration is possible from 5 February via the library's booking system for training courses. If you don't have time on all days, you can also register for certain days only. Of course, we are also happy for you to register for the entire period, in which case please complete the registration form for each day of the event.

You can find information on the programme and important information on the procedure on the pages of the Competence Centre for Writing.

The "Writing Days" are organised by the Competence Centre for Writing and the University Library, together with other institutions of the University, such as ProLernen, the Centre for Spelling Competence, the Graduate Centre of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and University Sports.

15.01.2024: Cam­pus day

The library is taking part in the university event - which replaces the former "Digital INFOTAGE for pupils" - with the courses "Advice on literature searches for specialist work", "Planning a literature search", "Carrying out a literature search in the library catalogue" and "Evaluating literature - recognising quality". It also offers an online rally through the library.