Aus­s­tel­lungen 2022

01.-30.06.2022: Ex­hib­i­tion "Be­smette stad / Be­fallene Stadt. Hom­mage an den flämis­chen Di­chter Paul van Os­taijen (1896-1928)"

The Flemish poet Paul van Ostaijen was an expressionist whose work was influenced by Dadaism and early Surrealism. He lived in Berlin after the First World War. It was there that he wrote the poetry collection Bezette Stad / Infested City, which tells the story of a young man from Antwerp who has ended up in a world in deep crisis due to the effects of the war.

The travelling exhibition shows a selection of visual, audiovisual and textual-literary works, the results of a year-long collaboration between the Flemish-Dutch organisation deBuren and the Paul van Ostaijen Society in the Besmette Stad project(

Contact: Claire Castmans(

The exhibition is accessible during the opening hours of the library.

> Exhibition poster

02.-16.05.2022: Photo ex­hib­i­tion "Sprach­patenschaften zwis­chen Stud­i­er­enden und neu Zuge­wander­ten – be­son­dere Ein­blicke in das Pro­jekt ‚(Di­gitale) Sprac­h­beg­lei­tung Ge­flüchteter'" in the Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary

The photo exhibition shows special insights into the language mentorships that are formed during the "(Digital) Language Support for Refugees" project and often develop into friendships.

"(Digitale) Sprachbegleitung Geflüchteter" is a project of the "Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache und Mehrsprachigkeit" department of the Institute of German and Comparative Literature under the academic project management of Prof Dr Constanze Niederhaus. In this project, (teacher training) students are involved in helping refugees in the Paderborn region by providing them with linguistic guidance and support. Sponsorships are formed between new immigrants and committed students with the aim of (linguistic) participation by the refugees. In this way, students act primarily as language mediators who build a kind of bridge between new immigrants and the majority society. At the same time, they acquire skills in the field of German as a second language and multilingualism through their work as language tutors and learn about linguistic and multi-ethnic diversity.

Organiser: Magdalena Can, Department of German and Comparative Literature. German as a second language / German as a foreign language and multilingualism

The exhibition is accessible during the opening hours of the library.

> Exhibition poster