Sub­mis­sion of pub­lished dis­ser­ta­tions to ful­fil the pub­lic­a­tion ob­lig­a­tion (doc­tor­al pro­ced­ure)

The doctoral regulations of the faculties of Paderborn University provide for the publication of doctoral theses in electronic form as well as the alternative of distribution via the book trade (published dissertation) as an option for publication.

In order to make your doctoral dissertation accessible to the scientific public in an appropriate manner, you must hand in two copies to the university library in case of publication as a published doctoral dissertation. Please make an appointment in advance with the Publication Service Team (e-mail:; Fon: +49 5251 60-2141). At this appointment you will receive a confirmation of receipt that the copies have been handed in for submission to the faculty.

You can also send your copies by post to the following address:

Paderborn University Library
Subject area monographs
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

Please enclose your contact details with the shipment so that we can inform you about the receipt of your voucher copies. We will send the confirmation of receipt by internal post to the relevant faculty.