Sub­ject In­form­a­tion Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing and In­form­a­tion Tech­no­logy

Contact person for subject-related questions: Anna Nickel
Substitution: Sylvia Sobiech
Subject library: Level 3
Media locations: Books:
XVA - YGY (Electrical Engineering)
WAA-WHR (General Engineering)
ZEA - ZWT (Other Areas of Engineering)
Information Literacy: Current training dates
Tools for studying: Literature management programme Citavi
Databases: DBIS: Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering
DBIS: Technology
Electronic journals: Electronic Journals Library: Electrical Engineering, Measurement and Control Engineering
Electronic Journals Library: Technology in General
Electronic university publications: Scientific theses of the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology