Lib­rary card for stu­dents of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Students of Paderborn University receive their library card in the form of a combined student and library card sent by the Student Secretariat of the University.

Each card must be activated once before it can be used for the first time. This can be done on the login page of the catalogue via 'Activate account now'. 

Barcode number on the library card, starting with PS.

You set the password for your user account when you activate your user account.

All personal data in the library account is maintained by the Student Secretariat. If changes are required, please contact the University Service Centre . Your university e-mail address is thus automatically stored in our lending system and cannot be changed. However, you can arrange for it to be forwarded to your private e-mail address via the ZIM user administration.

Please report the loss of your combined student and library card to the University Service Centre and additionally to the staff of the library's Local Lending Department so that your library account can be blocked to prevent misuse by third parties.

If you have any questions regarding your library card, please note the service hours of the Local Lending Department. Please observe the Library Regulations for the University Library of Paderborn, which you agree to comply with when applying for a library card.