Spe­cial­ist in Me­dia and In­form­a­tion Ser­vices (FAMI), spe­cial­ising in lib­rar­ies

Specialists in media and information services mainly carry out practical tasks, which, however, require good theoretical knowledge. They are employed at Paderborn University Library in the fields of acquisition and use (lending, specialised libraries, ...).

The nationally standardised training of specialist staff takes place in one of the following specialisations:

  • Archive
  • library
  • Information and Documentation
  • Picture agency
  • Medical documentation

The training is designed to be interdisciplinary, i.e. even those who have chosen to specialise in the library will be trained in the field of documentation, in the archives, etc.

Prerequisite: Advanced technical college entrance qualification (good knowledge of German and English, communication and contact skills, organisational skills, interest in working with computers).
Start of training: 1 August every 3 years
Training places: 2
Duration of training: 3 years
Theoretical training: Theory is taught 2 days a week at the Karl-Schiller-Berufskolleg in Dortmund. The uniform basic training in the five specialisations lasts until the intermediate examination, followed by specialisation in the chosen specialisation. Practical training: Work in all subject areas of the library. In addition, internships lasting several weeks are completed in institutions of the other specialisations (e.g. Paderborn City Archive, Media Centre in the Archdiocese of Paderborn - Paderborn site, etc.).
Examinations: written intermediate examination after approx. 18 months written and oral/practical final examination.
Career prospects:

Due to the versatile and broad-based training, FAMIs can be employed in many fields of work. Specialised employees for media and information services work in the public service and in the private sector, e.g. in:

  • Media and press archives,
  • radio and television,
  • city and state archives,
  • public and academic libraries,
  • corporate libraries,
  • information brokers,
  • information and documentation centres,
  • picture agencies,
  • image agencies,
  • Museums
Call for proposals: The call for proposals for the training positions will be made by Paderborn University in the local press.
Application address: Paderborn University
Personnel Department
33095 Paderborn
Contact person:

Nina Perez Napp
Monika Hagagi