Bach­el­or's de­gree pro­gramme Lib­rary and Di­git­al Com­mu­nic­a­tion

The TH Köln offers the degree programme Library and Digital Communication, which is completed with a Bachelor of Arts.

The practical phase (in the 5th semester) to be completed as part of the degree programme (standard period of study 7 semesters) can be carried out at Paderborn University Library.

Placements: 2
Duration of internship: 20 weeks
Contents of the internship: Work in all subject areas of the library. Individual wishes and interests of the students are taken into account.
Internship remuneration: Unfortunately, the UB Paderborn cannot pay any remuneration.
Application: Please send us the usual application documents.
Application address: University Library of Paderborn
P.O. Box 1621
33046 Paderborn
Contact person: Nina Perez Napp
Monika Hagagi

Detailed information on the programme can be obtained from the Institute for Information Science at the TH Köln.